Navigating through the forum threads

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Navigating through the forum threads

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  wiltldnrUSA 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • In other fora that I subscribe to, it is possible to move through the forum threads by means of a ‘Next’ or ‘Previous’ links.
    With the FastDiet website as it is at the moment, in order to read all the threads in a forum topic, it’s necessary to open a posting, read it, close it and then open the next thread and repeat. This requires either opening each thread in a separate tab or constant use of the back arrow.

    Would it be possible to develop the site to include Next|Previous buttons, to take a reader sequentially through all threads in a forum topic, please?


    actually there is

    when u click on the topic

    like urs

    it gives u the the whole thread sequentially

    & if u click on active comments (it’s like recent comments plus the next pages till the oldest all sequentially)
    which is @ the top of the page of
    recent comments

    hope this helps

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