My second day of fasting, I struggle with mood,focus and attention.

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My second day of fasting, I struggle with mood,focus and attention.

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Tina8 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • To the community,

    I have been a long term faster for three years and I have always had a tough time on the second day of fasting. I don’t know why my first day is a breeze the second is always tough.

    My fasting is in the week I try to have both done by Wednesday. This being said I have tried to spread it out but I still feel the same. I was wondering if any of the community have the same issue?

    Even having black tea, coffee and even some diet coke, I still find it hard.

    Any ideas or hacks would be appreciated.

    Long term faster? 10 – 21 day water fasting type Or just fasting 5:2 but doing Monday Tuesday and missing two meals until supper on Wednesday. Which would be a close to 5:2 time wise.

    I regularly fast from after Supper on the first Tuesday of a month and fast through until almost bedtime on Sunday when I’ll have watermelon pieces and drink watermelon blended drinks breaking my fast.

    The second day of any water fast is a bit tougher than the 1st day. I suspect this is the shifting over to Ketosis and the depletion of glycogen in the body. It’s not onerous for me, it’s just something I notice and push away and don’t dwell on. When I first started fasting for more than two days I would at times go into an almost “fog” to the point for awhile I wouldn’t even drive a vehicle.

    See the Physiological Changes of Fasting be cautious on this web site it contains information that may be down right wrong or dangerous to your health. It does a good job of explaining the Physiological Changes of Fasting.

    It it is a problem that you can’t push away and you must get through quickly I’d suggest taking in an extra 2 cups or more of water it may be mild dehydration has set in, if that didn’t cure it, try beef broth (15 Calories) with 2 oz of minced/fine dice chicken breast (92 calories).

    Don’t give up. Don’t give in. Keep on keeping on. Adapt where you have to. 5:2 can be made to fit anyone.

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