My first fasting day

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Flavia_1989 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • HI, I feel so happy I just want to share it with the community. Today was my first ever fasting day. I was quite afraid to fail because, being a chef, sometimes is very hard to resist food. But I’ve made my goal for today. For breakfast I had a hard boiled egg and half grapefruit, which is not alot, specially for someone who’s used to have a a big breakfast, sometimes, and keeps picking on food the entire shift. I was able to control the hunger, drinking water with some lemon and mint. I had a small snack, as the breakfast and supper all together didn’t reach the 500kcal. And I just had my supper, Couscous with lemon and mirin tofu. It was my first time having tofu and I actually thought it would taste horrible, but it doesn’t, it actually gets the flavours you want it to get. I enjoyed every bit of my meal, i enjoyed it in a different way than usual. I felt every flavour in the plate. I’m so happy for reaching my goal of the day. See you next time

    Cheers Flavia,
    Congratulations! What a lovely start to 5:2!
    All power to you! ⭐️?⭐️?⭐️

    Thank you very much. I actually thought it would be harder, because i am a chef and I deal with food the whole day and I thought it would be almost impossible to resist the goodies I normally have, like croissants, mini muffins….but it all went well and im looking forward to thursday, my next fast day…lets see how it goes…

    I find some Fast Days are harder than others, but you can just say ‘it is only one day!’
    I look forward to Fast Days.
    I’m Fasting Thursday too!

    Hello it’s me again. Its been a while but I’ve found myself a bit busy the last couple of weeks, so here I am to tell you guys that after 3 weeks of fast diet I’ve lost 3 kg and a few cm as well, which makes me super happy. I’ve always struggled to keep a diet plan because I absolutely love food. But here I am 3kg lighter….ehehehe I havent started any exercise yet but I will very soon…

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