My first day….

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  AJAY 101 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi All,

    My first day on the 5:2 way of life!

    I’ve never been big on diets and have always led a fairly active life style. I have 2 boys who keep me busy and work full time, so this lifestyle change fits in better with me than a ‘diet’ as such. I’ve also ordered from ‘the Fast diet Kitchen’ 3 weeks worth of lunch and dinners so I can hopefully see some benefits in those weeks. This is much easier for me so I don’t have to come in from work and cook myself something different to everyone else.

    I’m drinking lots of water to help with the slightly empty feeling, and going to look into more interesting breakfasts rather than just a banana.

    I will keep looking on here for motivation and keep everyone posted.

    Good luck everyone!

    Hi Nicola,

    This is my first day as well !

    I have managed to lose a stone since January and this month I have found myself eating loads more then I usually would. I need to get my discipline back thus why I have started the 5:2 never felt so bloody hungry!
    I’ve picked Mondays and Wednesdays, hope I can manage lol 🙂


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