My First Day

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  fatgirlslim4life 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Read the book twice now to ready and raring to go!
    Day one and not hungry yet!
    Watch this space…………………

    Good start, best of luck!

    Welcome and good luck

    Today is my first fast day I took the plunge this morning.

    I weighed and measured myself this morning, realised my BMI is scary but onwards and upwards. Breakfast was a spinach omelette with a nice cup of tea with milk. Dinner will be mushroom stroganoff on rice cakes am trying to hold out and not eat dinner till about 8.
    I am drinking roobush tea no milk which is normal for me.
    Was doing really well until my boss decided to bring me a lovely big fat chocolate eclair, I almost crumbled but instead asked him to take it away and give it to someone else to eat, I think I deserve a big gold star for that. smug smug very pleased with myself.

    Good luck Fayberryliciousness and everyone else that is starting

    Hi Emmap,

    I started yesterday. This is so exciting. Did you find today easier than you thought it would be? I did. Great move with the boss. You should feel really great for having the willpower to say no. Fantastic. I look forward to reading more of your journey.


    Hi Jenn

    Its strange I think I am finding it easier than expected, I had these strange ideas that I would be starving hungry and dribbling at the sight of food . I think its all been a bit psycological and I thought up this obsession with food and that I would be hungry today.
    I’m drinking lots of tea which I would do normally.
    My head feels a bit fuzzy but again I’m not sure if I am thinking that as I should be feeling some kind of side effect of not eating lunch.

    So far so good I am pleased and not hungry


    Hi Emma,

    Great work. Your right, I think that it is psychological as well. Perhaps a matter of establishing new habits. I have actually been feeling clearer in the head on fast days. Would love to know your results after your 2nd fast day. I had lost 1.9kg, which for me is unheard of.


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