My First Day

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  redangel 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hello there,

    This is literally my first day! I read an article about this diet yesterday so I went to the mall and picked up the book, read the whole thing and decided to start my fasting day today! WHOO HOO! Ok so I am a kiwi (from New Zealand) and this is the heaviest that I have EVER been in my life. I was even lighter when I was 9 months pregnant with my child 13 years ago!

    So I have decided that I need to get this weight off. Most of it sits around my belly and butt but I can feel myself getting wider and wider every month. I am 5″3 and I now weigh 77 Kgs. I feel so distraught about being this big. I have tried everything, I joined weight watches and exercise but find I dont have any will power. I like the idea of this because I can get through 2 days, I know I can.

    My job consist of me sitting at a desk everyday and not moving, So now I am on a mission. I am turning 40 this year and need to loose the weight for my big birthday bash in Nov. So here goes! Any advice welcome and I look forward to meeting people on here that is doing the same thing.

    Take care

    Hey neighbour! I’m from Australia, so it’s nice to see people talking in kg’s!

    I have more weight to lose than you, but am in a similar situation work wise as you, and my weight needs to be gone by December.

    Hopefully run into you again around here 🙂

    Howdy Mittens,

    I have just read your post OMG you have been through a lot haven’t you? Well I am happy to be your buddy and motivate you along 🙂 We are doing similar things so it makes sense .

    I have just had my first meal and it was HEAVEN, it was just a fish salad and an egg but by god it was good.

    Looking forward to Breakfast tomorrow 🙂

    Am very motivated to see how this works.


    Hello A new Me and Mittens,

    I am also starting the Fast Diet today. Took the brave step of actually weighing myself today which I never do, but I could see the weight had crept on. I am also 5’3″ and weigh 61 kg which is far too heavy for my liking! I am attracted to the idea of this fasting regime as it means I only have to focus on it for 2 days a week. The idea of calorie counting every day would put me off entirely. As it’s hot right now, I think it will help to cut down the cravings. Reading the site, I notice how important it is to remain hydrated as we get some of our fluids from food, so we should replace these liquids throughout the day.
    Good luck to us all and let’s hope those kilos melt away!

    Hello redangel,

    i hope your first day was a goodie. Good luck, I wish i was 61kgs too 🙂 (looking forward to getting there. Only focusing on the 2 days appeals to me as well. I think yesterday was the first time I had drunken so much water in such a long time.

    Keep in touch


    Hi Redangel!

    Welcome 🙂

    This is the beginning of my 3rd week doing AFD and I have lost a total of 5.5 ponds and lost 2 inches off my waist! The FAST DIET is amazing!

    Good Luck!

    Hi A New Me and Carla,

    How’s the fasting been going? What with the current heatwave in UK, have found drinking preferable to eating so that has helped somewhat. We had guests staying for 5 days so fasted on their arrival day so I got one out of the way. Still haven’t faced the scales yet – waiting a couple more days to see if some weight loss. I have noticed less beneath bra bulging which always helps with estimating but I think I need to get the measuring tape out and see some real figures, excuse pun!
    Let me know how you are getting on and continued success!

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