My Fasting Journal – Started August 2014

This topic contains 57 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  FastingInMyForties 10 years ago.

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  • Hi all. I have enjoyed reading your posts. I did this way of life 2 yrs ago and had some success. Lost my way until recent. I’m in my second week of fasting. I have been doing 2 500 calorie fast in min and tue. And another 500 cal fast of Thursday. Counting calories the rest of the days and staying under TDEE. Haven’t weighed in yet as I don’t want to get discouraged. The scale has a negative impact on me. I feel ALOT better.
    I also do Power yoga, rebounding and kettlebell. I have a vacation planned for March 20th in the sun and warmth and would love to feel comfortable in my bathing suit. I am a size 11 in jeans (jr section) and would love to get to a comfortable 8.
    Plan to keep the 3 day fasting to jumpstart for a couple weeks!

    Good to hear you getting back into it, im struggling to keep appetite down on non fast days since xmas but am hoping that will improve, I still cant believe how easy I got back into it after xmas, that feels great. Ive never found a way of losing weight so easy before.

    Am impressed at hearing you do 3 days ive tried and just havent been able to, nearest I got was a 1000 cal day as third. Which ill try again. I am upping the exercise tho so hope that helps. Id like to lose another stone by summer so its only about 3lb a month.

    Duvetday40 it seems the 2 fast day in a row is easy this time around? Not sure if it is just a mind set or the types of food I’m eating? Whatever it is is working. I’m highly motivated right now. My life is crazy busy come spring so I need to get as much weight off as I can before my vacation March 19th. Then I can go into Maintenence mode.

    Did good on my eating day yesterday. Had wine and a great dinner. Feeling satisfied this morning and looking forward to my fast today! Wait, did I say that?? Yes I did!

    I’m not nearly as gung-ho as Fitforties. I hope your success and enthusiasm rub off on me. I’ve been kind of laughing/rolling my eyes at myself this morning because when I woke up I literally was laying in bed thinking, “Well, I’m not going to get my second fast in for the week…” and mentally giving reasons why any particular day this weekend wouldn’t work. Last night at about 8 p.m. I thought, “Dang, I wish I’d eaten dinner earlier (I ate at 6:30) because then I could have begun my fast and still had a good dinner with everyone else tomorrow….”

    ANYWAY, as I lay there in bed telling myself why each of these potential fasting periods wouldn’t work, I realized it had been nearly twelve hours since I’d last eaten, and therefore I should do at least a 14-hour fast, which was less than two hours away. Better than nothing, right? From there, I negotiated with myself that I probably COULD do a full 24-hour fast if I let myself go over by 100 calories. I made a list of everything I planned to eat and decided I’d eat 500 calories plus any fruit or veggies I want. WHAT IS THIS NEED TO NEGOTIATE WITH MYSELF LIKE THIS? It’s so laughably stupid. I can always do the first fast of the week really easily, but the second one is so much harder to commit to. The fact of the matter is, now that I only have nine hours to go and 300 calories left, I’ll probably do just fine without adding those veggies and fruit, but the fact that I’ve had to coax myself like this is ridiculous.

    I’m glad I did push through, because I want to get to where I was before mid-December, when I was fasting twice a week easily and feeling good results and had that change in appetite on non-fast days. I am hopeful that all might kick in next week, which will be my third consecutive week of two-fasts-a-week. It sure hasn’t kicked in yet!

    you made me laugh reading your post fastinforties, cos i think i get where you are at with the negotiating! but give yourself a break! it will happen, im still struggling getting back into it and had to go to bed at 8pm on Wednesday night it was the only thing i could think of to stop me from eating! but at least i managed it, however it was done,

    Fit Forties, wow you are going for it. inspiring! go for it whilst you in the mood!

    Im getting into my exercise more which i haven’t done so much of for years, except walking, so that’s pleasing me, im getting encouragement from friends who are starting stuff which im really grateful for,

    heres to us!!

    Hi Fasting,

    I find excuses too. Unless I’ve fully committed in advance I find reasons not to follow through. Like you say, laughable! And I’m coming up to 8 months maintenance… So I plan the day before exactly what and when I will eat.

    The effort is so worth it though. For the last eight months I have been at maintenance, slim (slimmer than I have ever been as an adult), and healthier too.

    I can honestly say that I have woken up every morning for the last 8 months, and the first thing I feel is my flat stomach (just checking it wasn’t a dream…!) And then I get up and everything fits! And whatever happens each day, none of it can be attributed to my weight…because now I’m unremarkable, just an ‘average’ person…!

    You can do this. You really can.

    Hey All

    Just been having a read of the last few posts on here.

    @fastinginmyforties I can see why you might think all the bargaining with yourself is ‘laughable’ but what struck me is how creative you are being, too. It’s like coaxing a reluctant toddler and then they eventually come round and even enjoy what the parent has suggested.

    So, well done You!

    All the best 🙂

    Thanks, guys! HappyNow, you’re such an inspiration. I’m 14 hours into my first fast of the week and it might be hard because last night, I was CRAVING peanut butter on toast and a glass of milk…eventually, I had it, which blew more than half my calories, which means for the next ten hours (awake, no less), I won’t be able to eat much at all. I’m going to have chicken noodle soup and a no-dressing salad for lunch, which should be enough to hold me over.

    Hope everyone has a successful week!

    P.S. I finished that last fast just fine. I’m finding myself still doing the same thing today, to a lesser degree. “Well, if you HAVE to end your fast early, so be it. Just do it as long as you can….” and “What if I did three 800-calories fasts per week instead of two 500-calorie fasts?” ETC. Seriously, though, wouldn’t an 800-calorie fast be a breeze?

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