My Fasting Journal – Started August 2014

This topic contains 57 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  FastingInMyForties 10 years ago.

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  • Hello, all! I am on my third week of fasting, and thought I’d keep track of my thoughts and experiences throughout. I’m finding it to be fairly easy thus far, although last week I only fasted one day due to the way my week worked – I knew it would be difficult to do it a second day and didn’t want to fail. I’m doing this as much for the health benefits as weight loss, so I was okay with that.

    My thoughts so far:
    — I really appreciate the advice in the book to choose a 24-hour period and that it doesn’t have to be first thing in the morning of one day until first thing in the morning until the next day. Doing it that way was the hardest day I’ve had so far, but I have found that when I have a filling breakfast at about 8 a.m. and THEN start, it’s pretty easy to fast until 8 a.m. the next day. I get hungry at about 3:30 and so have some carrots or something, then have a 300-ish calorie dinner, and about 100 calories later at night in the form of cereal or yogurt.

    — I didn’t weigh myself before I began, because I didn’t want to focus on the weight-loss aspect, but then about a week in, I did weigh myself. The bad news is I was about 7 pounds heavier at that point than I expected I was (grrr!), but the good news is I do seem to have lost about a pound per week, which is what I’m hoping and expecting. I think once I’ve lost five pounds total, my enthusiasm will kick into high gear. It’s less exciting when the weight loss is so little.

    — I’m not working out much and would like to increase that, but at this point, I want to be solidly on board with fasting twice a week, so I am not going to pressure myself to work out more for a couple more weeks, at which point I will add more in.

    — My husband is also fasting, usually on the same day as me, and that is very helpful since I’m preparing food for my kids at night. Our best and easiest dinners on fast day have been fish and veggies.

    That’s it for now. I’d love tips and encouragement! I’ve been having interesting thoughts about food and my eating patterns that I have and then shortly after forget about, which is one of the main reasons I want to journal. Bye for now!

    Hi FastingInMyForties, well done on starting 5:2 have you worked out your TDEE to know what you should be eating roughly on your non fasting days? You might be eating too much without realising it.

    I’m in my 40s too & weighed 10st 7lb which was too heavy as I’m only 5’2″. I’ve lost 12lb very slowly since March basically I did start 5:2 back in October 2013 but gave up over Christmas then restarted properly on 1st March this year. Some weeks I don’t bother with it so much if I’m stressed or we have friends visiting but I eat generally less carbs & drink less alcohol so if I do have a week off I don’t really gain any weight it stays steady. I do weigh myself each Monday.

    From what I can gather you are not acutally “fasting” very much at all. If you have a normal breakfast then carrots in the afternoon, 300 cal dinner & 100 cal late snack with a normal breakfast the following morning your stomach is barely empty at all.

    I have no carbs at all on my fasting days (Mon & Thurs). I fast from 6pm Sunday to 6pm Monday no breakfast or lunch. At 6pm Monday I have my 450 cal meal usually lean meat & salad (I deduct 50 cals for the milk I have in tea/coffee during the day). I then fast again until 8am Tuesday morning when I have breakfast. So a 24 hour total fast followed by another 14 hour fast with just the one 450 cal meal in the middle. Repeat this from 6pm Wed to normal breakfast Friday morning. I’ve also cut down on carbs generally this past year far smaller portions of potatoes & pasta, much less bread & I only eat cereal once or twice a week usually porridge.

    Maybe try having a longer fast, don’t have the carrots or the late snack just the small evening meal then at least you will have a 14 hour fast (thereabouts) from dinner to breakfast the next morning.

    Good luck!

    Hi, Julie,

    I agree that it sort of seems like I’m not “fasting” much at all, but I do have just 500 calories within a 24-hour period, twice per week, so I think I am following the “rules” of the fast. It was actually suggested in the book that one technique is to pick a start time that’s after a normal meal and fast through until that same time the next day. The book suggested 2 p.m. to 2 p.m., but I do it more from 8 a.m. to 8 a.m..

    And no, I haven’t calculated what my TDEE should be on my non-fasting days…yet. What I like so much about this way of eating is the not having to count calories on the non-fasting days. I am finding that on the first day after a fast, my appetite is notably less, and then on the second day after a fast, it seems to kick in more. I do know (or, rather, “feel”) that I am eating less now on non-fast days than I ate before starting this, so that’s progress.

    I’ve pretty much decided just to do the fast twice a week most weeks with no more than 500 calories through the end of the year without overthinking anything. i.e. just get in the routine of doing it no matter what. I probably will try just having one 500-calorie meal and skip the veggies and evening snack, as you suggested – thanks!

    Ooh, I should say that while I haven’t weighed myself in the last week or so, clothes that I’d been avoiding even putting on, thinking they’d be tight, are not tight anymore, so that’s inspiring!

    Just checking in with myself – I have been doing IF for a couple months by now and am still not getting on the scale – not until January, I decided, and after that just once every three months. I plan to have blood work done in January, too. I have no idea if I’ve lost weight, but I feel good and have lots of energy.

    I am finding that I really enjoy and look forward to my Monday fasts, but then my second day of fasting I don’t look forward to. Part of me wonders if I should keep powering on with two days, or just do Mondays. I feel like I could decide right now to fast one day a week for the rest of my life.

    I didn’t fast for the week I was traveling, and last week, I only fasted one day. That’s when I discovered how much I like the one day per week fasting.

    I like the idea of a one day a week fast. I’ve just started, and don’t have too much weight to lose (5-8 lbs.), so hopefully I’ll get to the one day a week fast pretty quickly. Maybe we can give each other some encouragement to get through the next few Thursday fasts :).

    Thanks for sharing your story 🙂


    Been five twoing since mid june (18 weeks) and lost 19lb!!! I had 3 weeks at just one day a week around my birthday . 2 to 3 times a week I hav been brisk walking 2.5 miles, as exercise but thats all. I cant believe how quickly and easily its gone im more than half way to my goal. Im over 40 and thoughtvit would be agony to lose the weight. Its been so easy!

    Great progress, duvetday40!

    Emilyashen, I will definitely encourage you to do that second day, although this week, I fell into something that might work best for me. It is to keep with the Monday full fast and then do a couple 14-hour fasts on other days. What I did this week was the Monday fast, a Tuesday 14-hour fast (kind of inadvertently), and today I’m doing another 14-hour fast which will end in two hours. This week has been noticeably different in that I haven’t had a large appetite on my non-fasting days, which is great!

    I think part of my problem is that I do like Mondays and Thursdays for fasting days if I’m going to do two, but I frequently have social engagements on Thursdays, whereas I don’t on Mondays. I don’t feel ready to do a second fast on Wednesdays, and the weekends are tricky due to family meals & going out.

    My energy level has been really high all week, and I’ve walked every day except one, so my plan for the next couple weeks is just to do a Monday fast and 1-2 14-hour fasts at whatever times are most convenient to me. I know you get the medical benefits from a one-day fast, which is my most important long-term goal. I definitely would like to lose weight – ideally 25 pounds – but that can come slowly. The health benefits I want ASAP.

    Thanks for commenting, guys! I was feeling a little lonely on here, like I was talking to myself – which was still helpful, but not nearly as fun!

    Well, this week so far I have just fasted for one day (Monday) and then haven’t even done the full 14-hour fasts that I’d planned. I’m not sure why…well, I kind of know why. I wish I could just fast that one day and not worry about the other days – i.e. be in maintenance mode already.

    Alas, I have weight to lose.

    I have happily noticed this week more than any other week that my appetite for large, filling, hot & heavy meals (like a cheeseburger & fries) has diminished to the point of being almost nonexistent. I’m thrilled with that development! To not eat something because you don’t want to rather than because “you shouldn’t” makes such a mental difference.

    Anyway, just thought I’d note for the record my slacking behavior….

    Hi Fasting,

    Don’t worry about the one fast, you can do two with me next week 🙂 I’m happy to have now finished my second week. That’s a record for my yo yo diet history. I am not treating this like a diet, it does feel like a complete way of life. Have a great weekend!

    Had a bad week last week and didn’t fast at all for the first time since June . but I did a fast day yesterday and came on here and rereading your comments is really encouraging! so am back on it this week. Was really healthy sunday and will be today, then it was a fast day yesterday and tomorrow Wed. Then Thurs Fri sat I will just forget any mention of it all!that has worked for me for 4 months or more. Also focussing on feeling fuller by eating a lot less carbs – bread/potatoes, and more protein and I do find that works especially for my bkfast. 6 weeks of fasting until xmas eating sets in! Then the plan is to just do one day a week 3 weeks until new year to keep in the habit but be realistic, cheers

    Great to hear Duvet! I finished my fifth fast yesterday, and it is definitely getting easier. I enjoy eating healthy, but I am not giving myself any restrictions on non-fast days. I do think that’s the key for me, it makes the fasting days more exciting / worth it to enjoy the rest of your week. I’m going to keep up with 5:2 through Christmas too. Thanks for checking in 🙂

    Hi guys! I have kept up with a one-day-a-week (Monday) fast, and it’s so easy. Beyond that, though, I have been unable to commit. Nor have I been exercising. I’m sure I haven’t been losing weight, either. The one real positive thing I have done this week is I’ve been drinking a LOT of water. Like, the full 64 ounces per day that we’re supposed to. However, I feel quite bloated, which I hate because it makes me think I’m fasting AND gaining weight. Until this week, I was able to think, “I may not be losing weight, but I’m definitely not gaining….” Now I don’t feel that way because of this water-weight bloatedness.

    While googling, “Can drinking a lot of water make you feel bloated” just now, I came across a website that recommends something called a Fat Flush Water drink, which entails drinking 64 ounces of cranberry water throughout the day (8 ounces of 100% unsweetened, pure cranberry juice diluted in 56 ounces of water), and not only is the cranberry good for you, but you aren’t supposed to feel bloated, so I think I might try that. I like to try things like that; I don’t know why. I’ll let you know how it goes.

    duvetday40, I like your plan for the holidays. Emily, I’m not giving myself any restrictions on non-fast days, either, and while Halloween candy was probably a bit much, oh well. I just think the lack of rules is part of why I can do the weekly fast.

    I keep thinking there has to be a perfectly acceptable way to get to the weight I want without much effort. I would like for it to be fasting one day a week, walking a mile a day (I’d been walking two, and physically, not at all a problem, but the TIME required drove me nuts), and … what else? As I think about it, maybe the missing ingredient for me is that on non-fast days, I should make sure I eat some fruit and some veggies every day. I definitely do on fast days and feel really good when I do, but then I pass them by on most non-fast days.

    So that’ll be my goal for the next week – one day of fasting, walking a mile a day, and eating some fruit and some veggies on non-fast days. Plus I’ll try the cranberry water thing.

    I’m looking forward to your check-ins!

    Hi FastingInMyForties,

    I am also in my 40s, and started 5:2 in January at 159lbs. I lost 20lbs (my goal loss) in 16 weeks, but it took another 6 weeks to work out how to start maintaining and stop losing. I have now been maintaining at 130 – 132 lbs for the last 5 months.

    It seems that you aren’t currently seeing much weight loss. From reading your posts I suspect that may be because you aren’t really achieving a calorie deficit and you are not really fasting.

    You say you are having a hearty breakfast, and then perhaps 400 calories later in the day. To be doing 5:2 you should be going to bed, getting up and then eating only 500 calories (at most) in that waking period, going to bed, getting up and eating ‘normally’. So how you are doing it, and depending on what your breakfast is, you could be eating significantly more than quarter TDEE on your fast day. (and unless you eat below TDEE on non fast days I don’t think you could expect to see any results).

    Also, while walking is excellent exercise (and I don’t know how active you are in other ways), you would have to walk much much further than one mile a day to have any significant effect on weight loss.

    To be honest I’m not even sure if what you are doing would result in any fasting benefits at all.

    You say there ought to be a way of losing weight without much effort. In my experience, that would be 5:2!

    If you are serious about losing weight then I’m afraid you will have to make a bit more of an effort to fast/ restrict calories.

    Good luck.

    wow interesting, I reckon one of the really good things about 5.2 that sets it apart is that its easy to become a habit and part of your life so if doing it one day a week is helping maintain then that’s a start, and walking, then later on you may feel able to up it. we are all different and maybe you need to gradually get up to the 2 days, I personally don’t think I would lose any if I constantly did just 1 day but at least I may not put on !! good luck im on my free part of the week now and am letting myself eat what I want, god you have to have some pleasures!!

    HappyNow, thank you for chiming in with your experience and criticism. Your weight loss is exactly what I would hope to achieve, 20 pounds, and the idea of doing it in 16 weeks is quite exciting.

    But I remember from the book that what counts as a fast is 500 calories in any 24-hour period, and the female author specifically advised doing it from 2 p.m. on one day until 2 p.m. on the next day as a way to make it easier. She advised having a good lunch and starting at 2 p.m. and going until 2 p.m. the next day when she’d have another good lunch. That’s what I’d been doing, only starting at about 9 a.m. and going the next day until 9 a.m. I don’t think it has to be a sun-up to sun-up thing. All that matters is that it’s at least 24 hours, and longer if better. Am I wrong about that?

    Last week, my fast was from 6 p.m. one day until 6 p.m. the next day, and I really found it easy. I’m pretty sure that throughout the course of the entire day, my calories were less than 500, so I guess I did one proper fast according to the criteria you described — and it wasn’t hard.

    I do think I’ve lost a little bit of weight, but nothing like what you’ve lost…and since I want the exact results you’ve gotten, I should do the exact same thing as you, shouldn’t I? I’m convincing myself… at least I’ll give it a go again next week fasting twice a day and take it from there. The first few weeks, I was doing it twice a week. I can’t recall the reason I went down to once per week, but after the first time I did, I found it really hard to go back. But I shall, I shall. Thanks for the stern advice.

    Hi Fasting! I have been doing my fasting days from last meal Sunday / Wednesday until breakfast Tuesday / Friday. It is tough, but it does work. I’ve committed myself to 2 fasts a week until Christmas. Maybe that will help you get back to 2 a week? I think the one fast a week is ideal, and I’m hoping to be able to do maintenance after the new year and maybe the two a week if I see weight gain. It is a very personal process, but yes, I agree that sometimes we need stern advice (at least I know I do). Good luck, we can do it!!

    Hi Fasting,

    It wasn’t meant as criticism! But I stumbled upon your thread, and as someone in their 40s, I thought I might butt in…

    I’m sorry if I got the wrong end of the stick about your calorie intake. My understanding is that you go to bed, get up, eat 500 cals, go to bed. And that’s a fast day. It wasn’t clear from your post that you were actually achieving a real calorie deficit. Sorry!

    What worked for me might not work for you, we are all different. But I have to be honest, I didn’t find it hard, and the results were well worth a little effort. I’m now slimmer than I’ve ever been (size 8) and, 5 months into maintenance, I feel great!

    All the best!

    Well, HappyNow, perhaps you’ll be happy now for me (sorry, couldn’t help it!). I did my first fast on Sunday p.m. to Monday p.m., then realized yesterday (Tuesday) evening that after a lunch at 2 p.m. that left me feeling really full, I might as well continue on and complete my second fast — so in less than five hours, I will have done two fasts for the week. It’s curious that I started the second one almost accidentally (I hadn’t planned to fast until Thursday), but honestly, it might be that Wednesday in between is where I lose my motivation for the second fast.


    Hi Fasting,

    Well done on getting 2 fasts done. Fingers crossed you see some movement on the scales to further motivate you!

    I did Mondays and Thursdays, can’t now remember why I chose them though! Probably just to spread the fasts through the week (and avoiding Fridays and weekends, because I will be drinking and eaten bacon sarnies…!). Interesting that you think you might lose momentum if you have too long a gap between fast days. I can see how that might happen. It’s all about finding what works for you.

    And you know what? I’ll be happy if you are getting what you want from fasting 🙂

    Just checking in during my first fast of the week. I’m about to have some soup. I am probably going to do something similar to what I did last week, which is just into my second fast later Tuesday or on Wednesday rather than Thursday, because last week was pretty easy.

    I am finding that my appetite on non-fasting days has solidly changed. I never get hugely hungry anymore and I’m eating less as a result.

    HappyNow, you probably chose Mondays and Thursdays because those were the days recommended in the book.

    Good luck to everyone this week!

    hia ive done my first fast today, and was very good sunday, planning on a good day tomorrow then another fast Wednesday, then thurs fri sat throw caution to the wind!!

    I find it easier to get them done earlier in the week, by Thursday I feel like treating myself, I have found the last couple of weeks harder and on the thurs/fri/sat I really have gone off the rails, I don’t know if its cos its getting colder or what. so not sure if ive lost any more.

    Im not going to weigh myself yet though, as don’t want to get obsessed with it. will try not to be so bad on my free days from now on, till xmas, and maybe fit in a bit more walking, ive only been doing my 2.5 miles a couple of times a week just lately,

    its really good to hear updates from you, motivates me! good luck!


    I had a bit of a rough time last week. I was only able to get in one fast on Monday. I am thinking it may be easier (like Duvet said) to get both fasts in before Thursday. I’m going to fast Monday and Wednesday this week.

    I didn’t get on the scale this morning, but I don’t think last week did too much damage. I have about 5 pounds to go until I get to my original goal, but I may try to lose 8-10 more to give myself some wiggle room. I’ll have to see how I feel when / if I get there. I was hoping to get there by Christmas, we will see.

    Glad to see the updates! Keep it up everyone!

    I’m glad we’re all checking in! We’ll all get there, we will, we will!

    It sounds like all of us are going to be trying to do our two fasts within the first three days of the week. It’ll be interesting to see if we’re onto something. What I really like when it happens, which it has a few times now (including today), is I’ll plan to start my fast at, say, 8 a.m., but then all of a sudden I’ll realize it’s been 8 hours or so since my last meal, so I might as well continue on and fast until I hit 24 hours. You get the same amount of time in, but since it’s eight hours into it before you realize it or decide to do it, you’re already a third of the way done.

    Let’s keep checking in & supporting each other – it helps so much!

    it is great that everyone is checking in! I managed to do a fast Monday and was have been good today and will do another fast tomorrow.

    the last meal I have the night before fast day is a snack 10 pm ish. then no food for 12 hours till 10am on fast day when have coffee with small amnt of milk in. then 12.30 lunchtime eat an apple. then nothing till about 6pm when I have 400 cal meal. then nothing for 14 hours till the next morning at 8 am then eat normally for day. that’s one fast day. Is that ok then? I haven’t read any rules about any of this. I certainly don’t completely go without food for 24 hours,

    from about 10 on sunday till 8 am on Tuesday ill have 500 calories.

    would I be better to have nothing from 10pm sunday night for 20 hours till 6pm then eat 500 calories then nothing for 14 hours till 8am on Tuesday? would that improve things?

    good luck all, I was hoping to lose all I needed before xmas but am not going to get too strict as I would give up then, I shall go down to one day a week fast over holiday then go backto 2 days if needed.


    does that sound

    Hi duvetday:

    What you are doing sounds just fine. Don’t worry about time between eating. Many only eat one evening meal high in fat/protein because they find they are less hungry throughout their diet day eating that way (eating carbs like the sugar in an apple tends to cause a blood sugar increase, followed by hunger). But if you are not being bothered by hunger, there is no reason to change what you are doing.

    Here are some tips:

    Good Luck!

    Hi duvetday
    Simcoe is correct, as usual. It is the total calories that are important. You won’t reach your goal if you overeat.
    He is also spot on re many of us finding it easier to avoid the hunger spikes by delaying the first nibble on a fast day. BUT, this takes time and you need to listen to your own body. The ultimate goal is to get to a healthy weight and maintain it for life, continuing to incorporate fasts in your normal way of life to maintain your health and allow your body to regularly repair itself.
    Don’t push yourself. This is a long term, lifelong process that is totally sustainable. Remember how long it took to become overweight 😉
    I took a year to go from obese to lean healthy doing 5:2. I have maintained this easily since April. I can’t see why I would ever go back.
    You have started well. Keep it up. PVE 🙂

    Thanks guys ill continue as I have been. Perhaps try to cut the apple and any milk in drink. But wont push self. At 19 week mark id lost 20 lb so am doin ok. Will weigh self at 30 week point (every 10 weeks weigh in!) And hope its continued. Tbh id be happy with half pound a week loss now. I do find uts part of my life now its amazing really. Am so grateful for it. Cheers again all X


    I thought I might fast tomorrow, but have decided to fast Thursday, a usual. It’s becoming a good habit and I don’t want to mess with it yet!

    It sounds like everyone’s on track, I love to read the updates too. Fasting, I’ve noticed a slight change in my appetite this week too. I’ve been on 5:2 for a month now, and Mondays fast was the first “easy” one for me. I hope Thursday is better too, however that seems to be the harder day for me.

    Duvet, it sounds like you’re doing great! Just keep doing the things that work for you.

    PVE, I will hopefully have to ask you about maintenance soon… I’m getting really close 🙂

    Good luck and have fun with this WOL!

    Good on you Emily. We maintainers are on the Maintenance Chatbox thread
    Hooe to see you there! PVE

    Hi, all,

    Just checking in. I didn’t fast last week (on purpose) because of travel and Thanksgiving, but I found that I never over-ate and didn’t have cravings for heavy food.

    I’m halfway through this week’s first fast and feeling quite hungry. I still have all 500 calories, and what I usually do is put off eating anything for as long as possible, but today, I think I might have 400-500 calories pretty soon and just be done with it. That way, I’ll be full for most of the rest of my fast.

    And, in order to get a second fast in, I might jump right into it after a filling dinner later today when I break this first fast. I do like doing both fasts close together better than the Monday – Thursday schedule I used to follow. At this point, it’s “always on Mondays,” and then the second one happens when it happens, usually starting Tuesday night or Wednesday.

    “Always on Mondays” except for the past two weeks, ha ha.

    well done fasting, to have left off for the week and not gone too mad on food. im a bit scared of that over xmas. ive just had the remainder of my cals for this days fast. so its just diet coke now till bed!

    im finding it hard at the minute as I feel so cold and just want to EAT!! but ive managed my two fasts this week, well just need not to eat anything now till tomorrow morning.

    have eaten quite a bit on a few of the non fast days though and I weighed my self this week, and over the last 6 week period ive lost 4lb, so its slowed from 1lb a week for the first 19 week to 11b every 1.5 wee

    suppose i just need to be glad im still losing and not get too het up as its winter so im doing well to be keeping to it at all. its years since ive been able to keep to a diet like i have done this one, 25 weeks now!! nearly half a year.

    am 10 stone 12lb . the first time ive been under 11 stone in 8 years!

    trying to think of the positives to keep me going! only got 1 more full week plus the rest of this one then i can have 2 or 3 weeks on just 1 fast day a week for xmas. so that will be a treat.

    am a bit worried about getting out of the habit though to be honest as ideally would like to get to below 10st as my goal. but even if that takes till summer i suppose its all still good.

    cheers for listening to my rant!!

    Well, I finished yesterday’s fast no problem, but I’m so not ready to start the next one! I think I’ll start Thursday (tomorrow) after lunch.

    Duvet, maybe when you’re hungry and cold some chicken broth or warm tea would do the trick?

    Like you, I am definitely taking the long view on this way of eating. I have no idea how much weight I’ve lost since August. Sometimes I think nothing, because my same clothes still fit, but other clothes that I wouldn’t have even tried on before fit now, too, so who knows. I think I’ve been doing this for about 15 weeks, and I’m sure I have not lost 15 pounds, but that’s okay because I know that I stopped the trajectory I was on where the weight was just creeping up without my noticing or stopping it. And now that I’m committed to fasting two days per week instead of just one, I expect more weight to drop. (Allowing for a holiday break.) More importantly, I feel great.

    I wish I’d taken measurements. I “see” a difference in my upper arms, my upper back, and my general shape, but no solid proof. Someone here recommended trying on the same pair of pants every week to feel a difference even if the scales don’t show it, and just this morning I came across a pair of jeans that I always really liked but haven’t worn for a long time because they were tight. I’m going to make those my weekly try-on jeans.


    Just a quick note – I’m on day two of fasting this week and anticipate no problems. I just had a 220-calorie can of coup and feel nice and full, with only eight hours to go and 280 calories left, which is going to be some chicken salad on crackers.

    Fun news – as mentioned above, I chose a pair of pants to try on each week, thinking they’d be extremely tight, maybe to the point of being unable to get them zipped all the way up, but when I tried them on yesterday, they fit! Well enough that I actually wore them for the rest of the day. They could be looser, but I was really happy.

    Hi all I am on week four of my journey and have lost 8.5lb so far. I have my evening meal on a Sunday and then eat about 250 cals at twelve and another 250 at about six on Monday. I don’t eat then till 12 on Tuesday again about 250 cals. I have whatever I want for evening meal on Tuesday and then fast again on Wednesday (same as Monday) even on feed days I don’t eat till lunch and only have a 250 cal ready meal then whatever for my tea. Have just realised that it’s 8pm and I have fasted again accidentally!

    I’m fitting in my second fast for the week today and glad to be doing so, as the last two weeks have been busy and filled with more food temptations than usual, and I almost talked myself out of doing a second fast (I actually started it last night and then was really hungry really early this morning to the point where I knew it was going to be a hard fasting day), so I had breakfast and started again about five hours ago and will go through tomorrow morning.

    I made a point of stopping at Trader Joe’s to pick out munchies for my fast – broccoli, cauliflower, raspberries, mineral water, as well as ingredients for a salad tonight. Lately, I’ve not been eating at all on my fasts except for one meal, but I knew early on today that I would be craving texture and a variety of flavors. Just finished a bowl of chicken soup….

    …I have the feeling that I’m going to go over my 500 calories today by about 100, unless I do my salad right. But since I was in danger of not getting my second fast in this week, I’ll allow it this one time.

    Have a good weekend.

    I thought I’d check in since it’s been awhile. Over a two-week period in December, I didn’t fast at all because of a family members’ health issues and ultimate death (my FIL). With all the back and forth and people coming from out of town, it was just too hard to plan to fast and stick to it – lots of food planning for large groups, etc. Last week (Christmas week), I did one fast, which felt GREAT after not fasting for awhile, and today I’m back to two per week. I’m halfway through today’s fast and have this relieved feeling that I’ll be getting back into control. Not that I think I overate too much, but just not paying attention to what I was eating was disconcerting.

    I hope you guys are sticking with it, too!

    Hia well done that sounds stressful, sorry for your loss.

    You back on it already tho im Impressed, bet that does feel good.

    I fell off wagon alot, I did one fast a week last sunday then rubbish for 7 days solid -Food/alchohol etc. And still have a meal today and tomorrow to attend, the worst kind- buffet. Realised 2 weaknesses. Alcohol, and then thats makes me eat, plus I hate throwing away food! Which doesnt help. I did invite someone who I know loves cheese round yesterday and they helped with the too much cheese in house situation!

    No alcohol left at my house now tho + had salad yesterday and day before at my meal at home.

    Plan – focus on bringing it back round to healthy eating till sat – porridge brekkie today (struggle to fast later in week) then fast sunday & wednesday.

    Simply darent weigh self yet, think ill do a week of fasting first, then weigh, otherwise it will only demoralise.

    What is done is done. Need to focus on my vision now and how great feeling healthier feels.

    In regard to weighing yourself, i had a similar view, i did not weigh myself at the beginning, instead waited 6 weeks.On October 19 i did my first weigh in, i was 68 kilos, i now weigh 64 kilos. I try not to weigh myself more than once a week, i prefer to check my weight every fortnight. For the last 4 weeks i have increased my exercise level,you will find that when you lose a few kilo you will have the energy and motivation to exercise more and actually enjoy it!

    cheers that’s helpful, Im committed to exercising with others from next week so that will really help in gettin back on the wagon! well done for the 4 kilos in 6 weeks that’s amazing! I was a steady 1lb a week for 20 weeks which I was thrilled at but that’s even better.

    Yeah did my first fast day today since 21 dec feel good bout this. Can still get another one in on saturday then start normal days next week. Phew, was really worried I wouldnt get back on this.

    So excited to be starting 5:2! I had great success a year ago but really got sidetracked to where I’m pretty disappointed with myself. I’m now heavier than I’ve ever been but ready to commit again…love the encouragement here…I’m confident I’ll be successful…even at 58 years young!

    Yeah well done! Its a great way and a really good habit to get into. Im doin a second fast day today so 2 in a row which I needed as a kick start and it feels good. All the best

    My brain has really switched gears…love it! I happen to love good beer and wine…but am tampering off right now. Too many empty calories. I feel no temptation, even on non-fast days. Hubby and I are headed to New Zealand in 8 weeks…need to be trimmed down for that!! Haven’t weighed yet…guess thats denial kicking in. I just “feel” better…clothes feel better..I will weigh..just kind of scared to see that number!

    Nice work, everyone! I fasted twice last week and just finished my first fast of this week and am now munching on pretzels and hummus. Although I’m not weighing myself still, I could tell I’d gained back a little during the two weeks I didn’t fast, and I’ve slimmed back almost to where I was before I got sidetracked, just based on how I feel and how my clothes fit.

    I am thoroughly looking forward to the time when I just have to do my once-a-week maintenance fast! It’ll be awhile, yet…maybe by summer.

    well done all! its great to get back in the swing eh, I did my first fast of this week yesterday and I fasted twice last week, did eat quite a bit on non fast days but am building up my exercise so am easing back in, that’s what I love about it its so easy to build into the week,

    i haven’t weighed either but feel a little heavier than before xmas still, but will just focus on it now till summer, long term looking!

    good luck its worth keeping the routine!

    Fast40’s Congratulations on your continuing with 5:2

    I’m new to 5:2 only in my second week and I had to blow my third fast as the wife and I had a supper I’d forgotten about until I was reminded at 3:30pm yesterday.

    So I started the fast all over again today. During my fasts I don’t have anything but liquids, water, tea, coffee or broth. Hot chicken broth limit is 2 per day as it has some calories in it. 10 – 15 per cup.

    Normally fast is from after supper or bedtime snack on Sunday until Tuesday morning.

    Then from Wednesday night after supper or bedtime snack until Friday morning.

    The reason I don’t eat the 500/600 calories during the fast is I know my body and my thinking. I know that for me a little food is worse to handle than no food intake at all.

    If I’m not going to eat at all I can just set food thoughts and hunger off to the side. Taking a little food just makes me realize how hungry I am and then I think on the hunger I feel almost obsessivly. A little food just seems to feed the feeling of hunger and extends it.

    I guess I’m one of the lucky ones in that fasting isn’t very difficult. It may be that due to past experience I know that a lack of food today won’t kill me, if it’s not going to kill me it’s really not worth worrying on. Fasting actually makes me feel energized and my mental acuity and thought process seems enhanced. I get more accomplished for sure.

    I’m not doing 5:2 for weight loss but for health. I view 5;2 as a plan/formula/format for eating that is doable over the long term for me. I really wish they hadn’t called 5:2 a diet but a dietary formula for eating or something. “Diet” and my brain says “won’t work”

    Welcome, quiet one! I’m impressed you don’t eat at all during your fasts. I very much appreciate the couple 200-calorie snacks in which I indulge during my fasts.

    Before the holidays, I’d noticed a difference in how hungry I felt on non-fast days. I naturally didn’t feel as hungry and definitely ate smaller portions. Since not fasting for those couple weeks, I find that I’m able to slip back into fasting easily, but I have not felt a similar reduction in appetite on non-fast days. Hopefully that will return, as it was a wonderful by-product of fasting. This is just my second week of two fasts since starting back, so hopefully it’ll kick in after my next fast or next week.

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