My day of reckoning & it's today! My birthday! In dire need of positivity!

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My day of reckoning & it's today! My birthday! In dire need of positivity!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Mettamezzo 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi all

    Well I’m sitting here, slightly in shock after having received some blood results. I’m scared to eat my birthday cake in case something scary happens!!

    I’m 55 today and have just found out that my cholesterol level is way too high (9) and I have an abnormal liver function result.

    I’ve done the 5:2 in the past for about 3 months and lost the weight I needed quite successfully but the pounds have slowly crept back up. It’s been a tough three years, lots of very stressful things happening all at once, and then in the midst of it all I lost my darling Dad in late July 2014 and since that day I’ve drunk far too much wine, eaten too much convenience food and barely done any proper exercise other than walking around to my Mum’s house every day, (I’m her carer).

    I am actually quite frightened. It’s not how I envisaged spending my birthday but I realise that it’s down to me to make some big changes. I have no details about my blood results yet. I’m due to speak to my GP about it tomorrow. I need to lose a stone and a half to get back to where I used to be, but I’ve found that it’s so much tougher to lose the weight as you get older. I used to be able to lose weight at the drop of a hat, not anymore :-/ I plan to go back on the 5:2 and will discuss this with the doctor tomorrow. I’m on tablets for acid reflux at present. (I’m on a month’s dose) as I was having digestive problems, (another thing that’s arrived out of the blue over the past two months). The doctor seemed to think it was stress related, mixed in with my rubbish eating and drinking habits. I haven’t had any alcofrol for 3 weeks now and I feel a lot better for it but just didn’t expect this news today. The weird thing is that I’ve always been paranoid about my sugar levels and they were ok apparently. Is it safe to do the 5:2 if your sugar levels are ok? I would be doing this to try and get my cholesterol and liver function sorted, also to lose tummy fat. Any words of encouragement would be most gratefully received. Is there anyone out there who would be interested in doing the 5:2 with me? I’m hoping the Doc will support me in this. Sorry to waffle. x

    First of all, Happy Birthday!
    I’m quite new to the 5:2 diet, and you’ve probably had more experience with it than me, so I won’t tell you it works (although all I’ve read, suggests that it does!). I’m sure the veterans will also jump in soon with answers on your technical questions. I’m just dropping in a line to remind you that it must always feels miserable at the start of a transformation, because by definition, things get better from then on. You’re already over the hardest part – since you’re now thinking of solutions to your current problem. You know you’ll be able to deliver on your plan, since you sound very serious about it and also because you have actually successfully done it in the past. Cliched as it sounds – Hang in, and it’ll all get better! Before you know it, you’ll be dropping the pounds and feeling the best you’ve felt in a while.
    About tonight though – it’s your birthday! And it only comes around once a year! Once you’ve committed in your mind to definitely do this tomorrow, there’s really no reason not to celebrate a bit tonight 🙂
    Will watch out for updates from you…

    Thanks so much for replying ridpras. I’ve calmed down a bit now. I’m preparing myself for the worst tomorrow so pretty much anything will be an improvement hopefully. Forewarned is forearmed and I could have been skipping about completely unaware of all this until it might have been too late. I shall certainly post updates. I’m just hoping my doctor agrees with me doing the 5:2. She seemed a bit uncertain about me changing my eating habits until my digestion had calmed down. Well it has and I do feel better and I am more than keen to embark on a new lifestyle. Thanks again for your wise words. Oh and thanks for the birthday wishes 😀

    Hi Mettamezzo..

    Happy Birthday although that’s now in the past.

    Start again and loose the weight, you will find your acid will stop, I had tablets everyday for 5 years from the doctor, I do not now take any, I stopped after a couple of months of been on the 5.2. Weight is the problem.

    My hubby had a heart beat of 85 to 90 sometimes going to 110 per minute had this for over 10 years he has now dropped to 67 per minute.

    The 5.2 is healthy as well as loosing weight.

    Put your mind to it, small steps at a time and you will win.

    Good luck..

    Hi ridpras and symba7 🙂

    Well it’s been just over 3 weeks since I’ve posted and lots has improved for me. I’ve managed to lose 6 lbs so far. I’ve not followed the 5:2 as such as I was advised to leave diet alone until my indigestion problems were sorted. I’m pleased to report that things seem a lot better and to be honest when I discovered I had high cholesterol levels I decided I would do my own kind of lifestyle change which has been more about reducing sugar and carbs (bad carbs) and no alcohol. I’ve also signed up to a gym and have been going three times a week. I have osteo arthritis in my right knee so I have an excercise plan that’s been worked out for me and I am feeling so much better and more positive already. I had to go back to my doctor to discuss the cholesterol issue. She ran some kind of computer program which takes into account my medical history, age, bp etc and it came out as 6.1% You have to have a score of 10% or more to go on statins so I’m very happy to say that I’m endeavouring to reduce my cholesterol levels by diet and exercise alone. I go back for another test in 6 weeks to see if all of this is working. Here’s hoping!! I’m also very happy to say that my liver function tests are now normal. 🙂 I just wanted to thank you both for replying to my rather panic stricken original post. It means a lot that there are folk out there listening who are willing to offer help and encouragement. Thanks so much to you both. I plan to go onto the 5:2 from next week but on my non-fast days I shall still continue to restrict my carbs and sugars. Wishing you both all the very best and thanks again. 😀

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