My 1st day :)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Rachieroo 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone,

    This is my 1st day today…so far its going well, I ate an orange at around 11am this morning and am planning on eating dinner at around 6pm this evening (something light like Chicken salad) I know thats not keeping in the 12 hr window and its more like 7 hrs, is this ok? Any advice anyone can give me would be much appreciated!

    All the best
    A very hungry Rachieroo!!!

    Not bad – but you are much better eating a good breakfast & then you can fast longer – this morning I had 2 egg omelette @ 7.30pm & still not hungry will probably eat around 7ish tonight – I am trying the turkey burgers out of the cookbook tonight and can’t wait – highly recommend you buy the book. Also find that hot drinks work better than cold!

    Hi Jilli72,

    Thank you for your advice 🙂 I ended up eating at 8.30pm last night so that left a bigger window and it also meant i wasn’t then tempted to have something to eat for dessert after. I think overall i did quite well and im really pleased with myself for staying with it all day and not devianting at all, except from a naughty glass of fizzy (non-alcholic) in the evening.

    When it comes to having breakfast, i’m not really a fan and never have been, as i’m never hungry in the mornings and i also get up to late to make some before i then have to go to work.

    I was wondering, is cereal ok to eat for say breakfast (if i ever eat any) or as a dinner alternative to any of the meals in the book? Not to say i don’t like the meals in the book but cereal is sometimes quicker if i’m in a rush.

    🙂 🙂 🙂

    Day 2 today!!! So far its going well…all i’ve eaten is an apple 😛

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