'Moving' problems!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Belairmike 7 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi. Before I started the 5:2 I was as regular as clockwork every morning. After a successful month on 5:2 I’ve lost over a stone but I only ‘warm the seat’ two or three times a week. Is this normal? I eat lots of fruit/veg/nuts etc and I drink lots of water….any advice?

    Congrats on the weight loss Belairmike.

    You’re doing the right things regarding eating lots of fibre and drinking lots of water.

    Are you eating a high volume of fibre on your fasting days as well?

    Are you eating more fibre now than you used to?

    To lose over a stone I suspect that you are eating less on your non-fasting days, perhaps intentionally or perhaps because of habits that you’ve picked up on your fasting days. Perhaps you are simply eating less food than your body is used to and so you need to go less often?

    I’m eating a lot less these days and I did wonder if that was why Bill. Just thought I’d put it out there to see if my experience is the same as everyone else. Not the most exciting of topics but important nonetheless.

    Some people find the 5:2 to be a ‘stopper’ and some find it a ‘starter.’ I think it has to do with changing the overall diet and what food goes into your digestive system. Scandium, on another thread, had the same problem. He introduced green smoothies into his diet and achieved success. If you go that route, build up to full glasses of the green smoothies — they can cause stomach upset if not worked into gradually.
    Good luck. Hope that helps.

    Thanks for the advice 👍🏻👍🏻

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