Moving from Fast 800 to 3:4 transition. Information please.

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Moving from Fast 800 to 3:4 transition. Information please.

This topic contains -1 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Plym_Mike 1 year, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi there, I’m just about to complete the fast 800 12 week programme using the books and read on the fast 800 site there is a 3:4 transition. I cannot find any info about it.

    I’m a pensioner and cannot afford to purchase another book. I tried to sign up for the seven day trial but that appears to be having issues, so I cannot find information there.

    Can someone please point me towards any information or give me a run down of this transition phase.

    @ednabaggins – hello! I don’t think there’s really a formal transition. It’s probably just a marketing ploy to get you to sign up for a program. If there is a transition, it’s certainly not necessary. As the book says:

    “Once you have kick-started your weight loss with the Very Fast 800 you are on a roll. It is entirely up to you when you move on to Stage 2, the New 5:2 – some of you will find a couple of weeks’ rapid weight loss enough; others will want to stay on Stage 1 for longer, depending on your goals. But either way your hunger levels and your cravings should be much reduced. You should also find you are feeling more energetic, lighter and brighter. People will have begun to comment on how well you are looking. Switching over is straightforward and can be done at any point that suits you. For the 800-calorie fast days, you continue to use the low-calorie recipes in this book (or, if you prefer, a mix of meal replacement shakes and real food). On the other days, you can eat normally, but healthily, i.e. sticking to a Med-style diet, low in carbs and refined sugars, without counting calories.”

    So you can move to 4:3 or 5:2 whenever you feel ready.

    @ednabaggins – Hi. I have just finished 12 weeks on the Very Fast 800 (between 500-800 calories per day) and lost just over 4 stone. Found to very easy to do and to be honest, I would quite happily stay on this for longer but does not recommend more than 12 weeks.
    For the last 3 weeks I have had 1 non-fast day of around 1600 calories (slightly bigger portions and some breakfast) each week but every time I have put on weight which then takes another 2-3 days to get back to where I was. Going to try for 2 non-fast days next week and maybe the week after before going to 4:3 as I still have quite a bit to lose. I’m just hoping the weight gain after a non-fast day is temporary while my body adjusts to having more calories again.
    I did not use the website as I felt it was too expensive but used the book. I do agree that after the Very Fast 800 stage, there is not much information in regards to 5:2 etc. Good luck

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