Morning! – Advice needed please

This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  ljc1011 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone, I started this about two weeks ago, and decided to do ADF for two weeks just to give my weight loss a boost. I am due to get weighed and measured tomorrow, but to be honest I don’t feel much different.

    My problem seems to be that although I am finding the fast day pretty easy and am sticking to my 500 calories, broken down into two meals, on my feed day I seem to be overeating at lunchtime (ie 1500 calories or even more on a couple of occasions) and then not eating until 10 pm (which isn’t good) and then just having a slice or two of toast. Obviously this isn’t a good pattern on my feed days and was wondering if anyone else had had this problem and how to overcome it as it must be affecting my efforts on fast days.

    Please advise as I get very disheartened easily and could do with some advice.


    Hi! I’m in the same boat. The only thing I can do to combat my over eating problem is never to eat before the evening – fast days or not. The first bite starts an avalanche and I’d rather feel a bit hungry during the day (although I don’t feel it so much these days)than start that avalanche.I’ll have a nice meal in the evenings and a couple of nice but naughty things. I’m still struggling to control my binging ‘even in those few evening hours) and I’ve put on a bit this week so I’m going to have to try harder! Fasting days are the easiest, it’s the other days I’m not so good on!

    Hi, bucksfizz666 – The most straight-forward advice is ‘Stop doing what you’re doing and find a better eating pattern for your non-fast days’ – and you already know this, of course. Sad to say, there is no magic. Hopefully, if you are willing to explore your attitude to food, look at your eating habits and learn about healthy food choices, you will feel better equipped to do the right things for yourself and achieve the goals you desire.
    Perhaps it would help to read around this forum – many people report how their fast days quickly re-educated their appetites and introduced a very welcome sense of changes and new possibilities, after maybe years of feeling ‘out of control’ with regards to food.
    It’s still early days for you, so just keep going – perhaps making one new, healthy and manageable change each week, if anything more feels too daunting – and, hopefully, you will get to where you want to be. Every best wish for your on-going happy success.

    Hi there,

    I have just posted about kidz 5 a day drink, I am going to start this next week on my fast days. I have not gone over 1000 500 calories a day on non fast days, lots of salads for lunch have helped in this weather, or maybe an omelette, I am enjoying it very much as it is so different to other weight loss programmes. I am 6lb lighter into my second week. Keep going it is worth it

    Thanks everyone for your replies, think I was drawn into a sense of false security by the “eat what you like” on a non fast day. I will try the advice you have given and see if I can sort out my overeating. I very nearly gave up this morning so thank you all for replying and Ill carry on with it. I will post my weight loss and inch loss (hopefully) tomorrow. And if theres no joy then I need to concentrate on my non fast day intake!!! Nothing else to lose have I?!!

    Hi bucks….I really have felt that my overeating was a result of…for me…the attitude of “I may never get a chance to eat this again so I am going to eat as much as can right now” Now I KNOW I can have it again, as long as it is not a fast day, so I don’t eat as much…I literally eat whatever I want on non-fast days. What changed for me was quantity…It has not been a conscious thing which sounds strange but now looking at it I can see the difference. If I eat what I want (and yes sometimes that is a twinkie) I am not trying to satisfy a craving with something I don’t really want and thereby eating even more. Also, now that I truly understand what it feels like to be hungry, I am able to stop eating when I am full instead of eating without thinking…

    Thanks “Mom” lol, yes that attitude is one familiar to me. On a couple of the non fast days I did feel a lot more in control and didn’t NEED to eat a load of rubbish, but the last two days were horrendous. Im really grateful for everyones posts and I will try and manage my eating a little better tomorrow, even if its just one day this week, its better than non.

    Thanks again

    Funtime bobby-your third post on this product…and you allegedly a weight watchers leader for 11years….

    Everyone should read a thread on the vent board of moneysavingexpert , to find out about this guy and his product-read the advertising standards authorities complant which was upheld and which he’s ignored.His name is Neil Asher he’s plugging this stuff everywhere, even reviews his own product on amazon , and video on YouTube -shameless!

    Have a set meal plan and lock everything else away that may tempt you.

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