More Weight Please!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  dvarney 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Just joined looking for inspiration as I need to lose more weight.
    Been doing 5:2 since January and so far, lost 13lb but have plateaued for the last 5 weeks.
    It’s difficult to gauge how much more weight I want to lose as weight loss on this is different to anything else I’ve tried.
    You definitely lose ‘inches’, which I think is fat rather than water/muscle, but if I could lose between 7lb-14lb, that would be ideal.
    I’m going back to basics as I think a bit of complacency may have set in, but I’m determined as this is the only method of weight/fat loss I’ve found that you can truly fit in as part of a sustained lifestyle change and see continued results.
    For any ‘diet’, consistency is the key and everything else I’ve tried is unsustainable, meaning you eventually go back to bad habits and eventual weight gain.

    Hi! I absolutely love how you mention consistency is key, that is one of the most honest truths in the dieting world and should be a top priority! I have just started this diet so I can not give you much inspiration sorry :). But your weight loss has been great and do remember this is a journey and set-backs (in the form of plateaus) are only temporary and a part of it! I think the fact you have lost inches is great, how many have you lost do you mind me asking? Stick with it because from what it seems you are half way there! Congratulations 🙂

    Having been extremely successful at all sorts of ‘diets’ from Slimming World to Lighter Life, I’ve come to realise that you need to choose something you can maintain for ever…or at least very long term and as good as others have been to shift the weight, I love my food and like most, have bad habits and inevitably start off back where I was.
    When I started this in January, I was starting to struggle to get into my 40 inch trousers…that was my limit!
    My 38 inch trousers are now quite loose, which is a great feeling! Unfortunately, I didn’t take any other measurements, but I wish I had now as an alternative guide to just weight.
    One of the main differences I’ve found with this weight loss is that it does appear to be fat that I’m losing and not lean tissue as well. It’s all very well losing multiple pounds in a week, but when you realise that most of that is fluid and muscle, it’s no wonder it’s not good long term.
    I do have a long term injury which is why I put weight on in the first place, which would be helped if I lost more weight. I’m not particulary vain, but it is nice looking a bit slimmer and having looser fitting clothes, which I’m sure is to continue.

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