Monday, Aug 19 – Fast Day 1

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  • I’ve decided to start IF.

    I just wrote a list of my main reasons to lose weight, placed it in the cloud for easy access. I will be re-reading it often, particularly before I start, and during the first days or weeks. I want to remember why I am doing this. Health is foremost, getting down those cholesterol, blood pressure and sugar levels. Then, the others, the usual ones most of us here share.

    I also jot down a few quantified goals. (Minus 22 kg eventually). This will also be useful to reward myself as I am achieving intermediate objectives. (I plan to reward myself handsomely as I go).

    I purchased a kind of sophisticated WeightWatchers bathroom scale, which includes bmw and fat mass.

    I have also chosen a start day, Fast Day 1: Monday, August 19. It will be then that I begin this journey. No postponements, or excuses. That will be it.

    I have been going around the house, placing Post-It notes everywhere, even under the iPad cover, with the above date and text. Wherever I will look, today or tomorrow, I want to make sure I get these reminders. Monday, I will be ready.

    Focus (and positive thinking) was maybe what helped me the most when I kicked the cigarette addiction more than 10 years ago, after 25+ years as a heavy smoker. Focus, a forum like this, and a wonderful three-week program called Fresh Start, described in a book by the American Cancer Society, with plenty of useful advice and help. I am planning to re-use those skills in this endeavor. What I just shared is just a sample.

    Be all well

    antobal (weight: not precise figure yet / Fast days: 0 / kg lost: 0 / Distance to objective: tbd)

    Hi antobal,
    A little kitchen scale is helpful too. Mine cost less than $20 and can do grams or ounces. This forum is a great resource for inspiration and ideas and recipes. Good luck!

    I have already one, I love cooking 😉

    antobal (weight: not precise figure yet / Fast days: 0 / kg lost: 0 / Distance to objective: tbd)

    My first fast day is today too, Monday 19 August. I have taken the very lazy option of purchasing premade 400-500 cal meals to eat for my evening meal on my fast days. I am not a fan of weighing and measuring my food on account of the many many diets I have done that required just that – I am over it. In the morning I will have just a coffee and drink water and herbal tea the rest of the day. Here’s hoping that it works the way the book says because I want to lose 38kg.

    To antobal and chooky01, I wiss you both the best for your first day!

    Good luck on your first day. 🙂

    @antobal and chooky01
    Today is my 9th fast day, and it gets more and more easy. Yesterday I was even looking forward to my fast day today. Can you imagine? Because on a fast day I really feel good. Relaxed and I can do my sports without any problem.
    The first 2-4 days might be a little difficult because fasting is also something you must get used to. For example to find out what is the best moment for you to eat…in the morning? In the evening? One meal? Or two small meals?
    My advice to you would be: do NOT graze something in between, like carrots or little pieces of fruit, just ” learn” not to eat, but take some water or tea.
    Good luck to both of you!

    Today is my 2nd fast – my first was fine! Try and plan your calories beforehand, it makes it a lot easier. Drink plenty during the fasting period rather than snack. Fruit teas are brilliant. Also hot water with lemon is my thing. Good luck

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