Mindful May ☯️ 2024 Challenge

This topic contains 236 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  stitchincarol 4 months, 2 weeks ago.

Viewing 36 posts - 201 through 236 (of 236 total)

  • Day 28 country west Australia CD 81.6 kgs
    Managed a good FD , FINALLY, yesterday. Like you @funshipfreddie ,I was pretty hungry after dinner – which I wasn’t going to have but DH had made a lovely light salad with 3 very small pieces of poached chicken.
    I may have been a smidge over 500 calories but not much, so am feeling very pleased with myself.😇
    BUT it is today that I will need to be more mindful…..🙄
    I need to do a lot more exercise 👯‍♀️as I have been stuck at my desk for weeks getting things sorted for the EOFY and boy! there is a mountain of paper!!!
    I have a very unreliable computer and have lost a LOT of important documents into the ether over time so I get paper copy of everything.
    Ruining the planet one tree at a time I’m afraid 😔😔 but saves me a lot of angst when I can put my hand on a document 🤪. ( we have planted tens of thousands of trees over the years so I don’t feel quite so bad..) 🌳🌳🌳
    Long story short, I need to get moving !!!
    @funshipfreddie, really loving the food facts – Love peanut paste , as I mentioned, but Nutella 🤢, far too sweet for me.
    @jaifaim, your bike rides make me envious. They sound fabulous.🚵‍♀️
    @stitchincarol, the Auditoriums sound like a great idea.
    After WW1 our RSL (Returned Services League ) built a lot of halls and Memorial Halls in country towns for similar events.
    @northgeorgia, I too am not sure why we sabotage ourselves.🤔🤔 I was great at doing that previously. I would lose a few kgs and then eat like there was no tomorrow.
    I needed a complete change of mindset and to be more accountable. That is why I like being on this forum but I do have to stick with it.
    I currently have 2 mantras : 1. Why do I choose to be fat ? and that’s a difficult one to answer. ??? I think I am an emotional eater but I also just love food ..😢
    2. You can’t outrun a bad diet…😢 so I am desperately trying to amend both.
    AND the doc has given me 4 months ( closer to 3 now😲😲) to lose 10 kgs or I Might have to go on statins and I want to avoid that like the plague.
    So I feel for you. But baby steps , one day at a time for us at the moment. 🙏🤞🙄
    Off to town to go shopping then out to dinner. I am already planning just on the spinach and mushroom omelette and no booze.
    Happy day everyone. We can do this.

    Day 28, London, UK, FD800

    Morning all, I’ve been MIA for a few days, long Bank Holiday weekend with a cheeky extra day off on Friday, well WFH!!😉 Lots of posts to catch up on!!!

    Lovely to see @coda stop by to check up on us, I wonder if you had any kamikaze leaps from the wagon (like myself!) before knuckling down & getting back to 5:2? If you’re still 5:2-ing that is! Hope the house shenanigans are going well @songbirdme!!

    @funshipfreddie, 600days!!! Congratulations!!🥳🥳 I often pat myself on the back when I have 6 days in a row!!! ………….. then celebrate my success with a 🍷🍷…………………😬😬 Boo Boo is 3.5kg?!? good grief I dare not weigh Bo-Bo, last time he was a whopping 6kg and the vet said he should be nearer 5, of course it’s my fault, he doesn’t feed himself after-all, no opposable thumbs and all that!!! My dad was very strict with us about NOT eating or drinking ‘on the street’. I’m swerving the sugar at the moment, but I used to love a bit of bee vomit on toast!!! Swerving the toast too!!😩😩

    @northgeorgia, sad times 😢 Condolences to you and your family on your loss.

    @ccco Good to hear you’re heading ‘home’ and will be spending time with your family, there’s nothing better!!

    I need to get back to work, the stuff I should have done on Friday when I WFH ………………. Still needs doing!!🤭🤭

    Stay strong folks, these last couple of challenge days will require an almighty effort (miracle) from me to get anywhere near to my May target!! I’ll keep going rather than throw in the towel!!!

    “Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”- Buddha

    Day 28 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 234 lbs. Wow, it is funny how bad you miss fasting when life won’t permit it! Thursday will likely be the only day I can fast this week. Yep, one day at a time. I wasn’t a saint yesterday, but considering the graduation celebration and the restaurant for lunch before that, I think I made better choices.

    Day 28 UK f800

    Hi all , I did manage to read some posts when travelling but the dodgy WiFi on the train wouldn’t allow me to comment- I did so want to get in on the seagull tales 😱and then I’ve had a few days when my poor decision making made me not want to show up, but I got weighed and I’m only a couple of lbs up and I’m hoping a few f800 days might get rid of them

    Loving the food facts @funshipfreddie

    Sure do!

    @merryapple‘s missing post:

    Day 28 NZ NFD 73.5kg???

    I had chili left overs (salt and fibre) but what possibly did me in was finding ants in the cake tins at bedtime… I had to empty the drawer out and hunt them down, meanwhile saving a biscuit, the end off a slice of gingerbread and Xmas cake from them… but not from me…
    Olive the dog and I went up Mangawhau so at least my exercise is on track.
    @stitchincarol Isn’t there a song – What’s the use of getting sober when you’re gonna get drunk again…
    Don’t forget to drink a gallon of H2O at bedtime too🤣🤣🤣
    @northgeorgia You will work it out… Just keep in touch here… You’re admirable the way you keep posting and trying to find a solution 💪
    @jaifaim You must be feeling nice and fit and able to cope with anything and everything!!
    Thank you for volunteering for June.
    @excelsior12309 Softly softly catchee monkey!!! You’re doing so well!! For myself I dislike the chocolate and peanut butter combo… At least I don’t have to swerve that little pile of calories!!!
    @funshipfreddie I think I will have to take a leaf out of your book and focus on omelettes for FD suppers…
    @lilymartin I agree, it is so frustrating when the numbers won’t change despite one’s efforts… even if they’re not the best efforts. Encouragement matters. Can you offer yourself a carrot of some kind to ensure best behaviour?! 😇
    I’m off to the dog park in rather chilly weather. Tonight’s dinner is a lean pork steak and a cabbage dish of some kind. No CHOs… for the rest of the evening…🤞

    Steely RESOLVE
    I have one FD to go…

    Day 28 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 162.4

    I know the whole point of being on this forum is to fast, and to lose weight, yup, I know that–but the fact that I’ve not fasted since before May 13, and I’m not inching up in weight is absolutely thrilling to me; that’s a clear indication my NFDs are finally under control and aren’t going to sabotage my FDs when I finally resume them. And I WILL resume fasting, truly. After the excesses of Sunday, that I didn’t even realize until Monday, I felt awful all day yesterday, so that really put a natural lid on eating (very small helpings of dinner and little before that) and drinking (one small glass of wine with dinner, that I didn’t quite finish).

    @jaifaim Yeah, learning the lessons is challenging enough, but applying them as well is the true challenge!

    @funshipfreddie That article must have missed being edited, because it was quite awful with mistakes, but it was fascinating, even so. I wonder how it would have changed, if at all, if that study of 12 people over 13 days had combined those who feel they can’t start the day without food and those like you and me who can’t stomach the thought of food until several hours later. And the article on Morgan Spurlock? So sad.

    @lilymartin I’ve spent lots of time over the past six-plus months thinking. Thinking about what matters to me (size? appearance? specific clothes?) and thinking about how I feel (hungry, uncomfortably full, empty but not hungry, etc.) and I’ve finally reached some conclusions. Eating is fun, especially when I’ve made some delightful new recipes, but even more fun is being closer to empty than to full, because no matter how good it feels to eat, it feels even better to be nearly empty when I wake up each morning. That’s why my new approach-and-nearly-a-habit of only eating at a level 3 hunger level is proving so helpful. And the only reason it’s so completely successful is because I signed up for this program and then had three weeks to psych myself up to it. I’ve still had a couple days since I started when, like you, I’ve been unable to talk myself down from “eating like there was no tomorrow.” Your question, “Why do I choose to be fat?” resonated with me when you first brought it up months ago. What I’ve concluded is that I can’t make my eating decisions based on whether I’m choosing to be fat or not, because there is far too much emotional baggage attached to that, and FAR too many examples around me of precisely that appearance; instead I have to ask, “Why do I choose to eat until I’m miserable? to eat before I’m even hungry?” THAT’S the approach that’s been helping me lately. Each of us has to explore our own motives, but perhaps my musings will help you.

    @flourbaby “BEE VOMIT”????? 🤣🤣🤣 Honey, you are way too funny!

    @northgeorgia Are you eating because you’re not able to resist it? Are you eating because you’re hungry? Or are you eating because you’re expected to? One of the tricks of Wondr is to divide your food in fourths (like, on your plate, literally) and then eat for ten minutes–SLOWLY–and then don’t eat for five minutes, and then slowly finish however much you want. Perhaps some of those questions/tricks will help you limit the food. I’m with you in missing fast days.

    @brightonbelle Yup, poor food choices leading to me not wanting to show up: been there, done that. Glad you ignored your instincts and showed up anyway.

    @merryapple Well, at least the drawer is cleaned out now, right?????

    Today, I’m back to working on that huge project that was consuming me last week. People are not getting me the information I need to finish it, so I’m ignoring portions of it that I could finish; today will be my day to finish every last thing I’m in control of. And, I’m making the summer piano lesson schedule; it’ll be good to get back to it next week.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    USA. Day 28. FD

    FUNSHIPFREDDIE, that tidbit about Russia and beer is interesting but I am not surprised! They also have a high level of alcoholism in Russia, as well.

    I didn’t see a pocket list, so I will start one!

    Pocket List Day 28


    It looks like I will be ending this month with a 5 lb. loss. This is great for me but now the challenge is to let it stay off!!

    have a great day, everyone!

    Day 28 – UK – CD

    Back after a holiday on Arran with 9 walking friends – we had a fab time!! Stayed in a big house with a lovely garden just above Whiting Bay – with great views of the bay from the front of the house.

    The group was of varying ages and ability but I did some great coastal walks and a couple of challenging hikes – too much good food and wine was consumed and enjoyed……..
    Some of the highlights were…….
    – Exploring Glenashdale Falls and Giant’s Graves
    – Coastal walk and finding the the giant reptile footprint
    – Exploring Blackwaterfoot and coastal hike to the King’s Cave
    – Climbing Goat fell, A fine pyramidal peak and a magnificent viewpoint, Goatfell is the highest (874m) of the mountains on Arran and the culminating point of some dramatic granite ridges
    – Exploring Lamlash, Brodick Castle and grounds and a gin cocktail tasting by the sea
    – A circular walk through scenic Glen Rosa giving excellent views of the craggy peaks of the Goatfell range
    – Quick boat crossing to Holy Isle which is around 3 kilometres long and 1 kilometre wide, it’s dominated by the rocky Marilyn of Mullach Mòr (314m). This fairly strenuous walk leads up to the summit, returning via the easy shoreline path – great views from the top – loved the Eriskay ponies, Soay sheep and Saanen goats……

    Back to reality and trying for a CD today and then a FD tomorrow to help press that RESET button before the June Challenge

    Went for a wet walk today with the regular group then had a celebratory coffee and (small slice of cake) for one of the runners 60th birthday 🎈

    Hope everyone is doing OK and I’ll try to catch up on the posts later

    Day 28 – USA/TN

    Okay, boys and girls! My May goals are totally busted. Lost the plot, especially in the past holiday weekend. I would like to start June with a goal of losing the 5 lbs. that eludes me, as well as carving off a few inches.

    Wonderful to see Coda, Lilymartin, SongBirdMe again! Please put me on the June spreadsheet. Thank you.

    Day 29 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD – Election Day 🗳 🇿🇦

    A public holiday/election day here, 30 years after our first democratic election in ’94, when Nelson Mandela became president. The polls opened a couple of hours ago. It’s going to be interesting, because Mandela’s party – the ANC – are predicted to lose their +50% majority for the first time 🤞

    @lilymartin – you can do it! You can shift those 10 kgs, you just need to come up with a sustainable plan & then stick to it. Half a kilo per week. I don’t believe anyone ‘chooses’ to be fat though. I just think our innate desire to eat tasty, rich food, which is so accessible, is overwhelmed by our desire to be slim & healthy. It’s a daily battle, but 5:2 makes it easier.

    @flourbaby – I can’t say ‘no’ to Boo Boo either when it comes to food. I was really surprised she hasn’t gained, because her stomach is a bottomless pit 🐷

    @ccco – 5 lb down! 🥳️ yes, Russians love their vodka. 50 bottles per person per year! When I was on the Carnival ships it was my favourite tipple, & a litre lasted me less than a week. Fortunately for my liver, Holland America only permitted us to buy beer or wine 🥴️

    @merryapple – a new low?! 🎯💪

    @stitchincarol – I feel quite fortunate at not needing to eat in the mornings, otherwise I think every day would be a struggle. But I think our bodies can adapt to new routines if we give them the chance. People who think they’ll keel over if they skip a meal, they’ve probably just never tried it.

    I’m off to vote, luckily just a 10 minute walk away ✅

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Fun Food Facts

    Peppers don’t actually burn your mouth.
    There’s a chemical in chili peppers called capsaicin that tricks your mouth into feeling like it’s being burned – that’s why spicy food hurts. The pain is all in your head.

    Crackers are worse for your teeth than sugar.
    Acid is the biggest cause of tooth decay, not sugar. Crackers tend to stick to your teeth which ends up being a breeding ground for bacteria.

    The red food dye for Skittles is made from boiled beetles.
    A common red food dye, carminic acid, is made from the crushed bodies of a beetle called the Dactylopius coccus.
    This acid is used in maraschino cherries, strawberry and raspberry flavoured candy, and lipstick.

    Day 29 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾.

    Hello all, not the best FD yesterday and made some silly choices last night but will have a good CD today and another and better FD tomorrow.

    Wow @stitchincarol love your super positive attitude and I honestly do think getting NFD under control is the best thing we can do… fasting teaches us that we can manage without a lot of food which we think we need…
    I’m in a tricky spot post holidays where the focus is shot… hosting June will hopefully help me to get back on track and back to maintenance.
    I’m feeling a little discombobulated generally and feel it’s just life catching up on me…
    I’m going easy on myself. Poca a poca …

    @merryapple sounds like you did a great job of saving the treats from the ants and bravo on the loss… is it an ATL?? 🌟🌟
    Bravo to @ccco too – incredible!

    Great to see you @metatauta and see you back in June – and @at and @brightonbelle back from fabulous trips.

    @funshipfreddie enjoy your day and the vote. Will be interesting to see the outcome. 🤔

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 29, London UK, NFD

    I’m out this evening at a work do as 3 colleagues are leaving/retiring. It’s a 3 course meal, I’ve asked for veg instead of potatoes, but without a cheese board on offer will I really truly be able to swerve the sticky toffee pudding not to mention the vino🍷?????😩😩😉

    @merryapple, I suppose it’s a little bit too late to remind you that you are NOT a bin!!! I hate food waste so my freezer is full of odds & ends that may never be eaten, but at least I tried!!

    Your break sounds idyllic @at, I hope the weather held out for you😎. I think the good weather was up North for a change whilst we soft Southerners were getting a daily drenching!!☔☔

    @stitchincarol, I’m getting some great pointers from your Wondr explanations. I’ll try the 10min /5min eat/don’t eat thing tonight. I’m fully aware that I can devour an entire meal before the ‘I’m full’ signal has even left the starting blocks!!😲😬😳

    I think it’s my frugal nature that encourages me to have breakfast when I’m on my usual B&B holidays, however, in the last few years I’ve successfully swerved the breads & pastry selection & chosen omelettes or meat with salad. I’m already praying that the Italians will offer something other than Nutella!!!

    Well, it’s that time again, work awaits, so I’ll be off!!

    Onwards & Downwards folks!!

    “I am thankful for my struggle because, without it, I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strength.” —Alex Elle

    Day 29 NZ NFD 73.1 kg 🏃🏼‍♀️

    Thank you @stitchincarol for rescuing my post…
    Thank you @funshipfreddie and @jaifaim but I have hit 73kg 3x this month and have promptly taken the brakes off and gone up. 🤞I’ll make it to under 73 with tomorrow’s FD…
    We are in the midst of a polar blast. I am getting the full force of 120k SW winds accompanied by bursts of thunder and lightning. My windows are leaking, the hail is rattling, the blinds swinging, the chimney whistling and the trees singing. The temp dropped 5deg in 5mins. It’s cold and it’s not winter yet… I walked up the Mount this morning and found out my (un)trusty jacket is shower proof only so I’m now I’m going to be on the hunt for a rain proof one.
    There are lists of interesting posts tonight😃. Lovely to have are old friends checking back in. That sounds a little Betty Ford but you know what I mean!!
    @at What a gorgeous holiday you’ve had on Arran. Thanks for taking the time to write it up. Much appreciated.
    Congratulations and the winner is… @ccco for a terrific weight loss this month👏💘
    @flourbaby “I am not a bin” “I am not a bin” “I am not a bin”
    When will I learn?!!!
    Yes @jaifaim, @stitchincarol is on a roll😇The magic number is 3!!
    @funshipfreddie I think you might be correct about @leniloud being AI. They/them appears on quite a few of the site’s forums. The tone is a little too bookish…
    Do we report or are people happy to accept an alien in our midst…?!
    I hope you and @leoniraats are enjoying the election round up.

    Steely RESOLVE!!
    “I am not a bin” “I am not a bin” “I am not a bin”

    Day 29 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 161.6

    My sleep pattern is all over the place; it’s 7am and I’ve been awake two hours and up for one hour. I miss my 32-year-old self that went to sleep when I put my head on the pillow and stayed that way until I was forced to wake up, or until I’d had 9 or 10 hours of sleep, LOL!

    I made excellent progress on my massive project yesterday, and may manage to more or less finish it today. There will still be tons of proofreading necessary, but I’m getting there. As a reward of sorts, I’m going to cook a new recipe tonight (shrimp pasta with lots of fresh spinach in it), and work with every last bit of my discipline to eat only when I’m at a 3.

    @ccco Well done to have lost 5 pounds in May; congratulations!

    @at How fun to read all the details of your trip; thanks for sharing!

    @metatauta There’s been lots of talk over the last couple days of how we each sabotage our efforts, so your frustration fits right in. You can do this!

    @funshipfreddie Yup, people who loudly insist there’s no possible way for them to fast are almost always the people who’ve never tried it…after all, when there’s a medical test that requires that of them, they complain but get through it just fine, LOL! I thought of you this morning when I was waking up because I was ravenous. No idea what was up with that, but I’m just ignoring it. I hope the elections give results to your liking!

    @jaifaim Yeah, it’s so easy to lose our focus when our regular schedule is interrupted. You’ll gain it back, and get down to the maintenance numbers you prefer!

    @flourbaby As to your meal tonight: I’ve never forgotten the meal when four of us were out (I mention these gals every few months) eating, and the skinny/tiny one (as in just over 5ft tall and weighs 98lbs/44kg) got the same large plate of food as the rest of us, but didn’t gulp it down like we did. Instead, she ate and she talked and she ate and she talked and she stopped eating for a full five or ten minutes, because we were all busy talking. And then she ate the entire rest of her meal. Never have figured out how she fit that much food into her belly, LOL! Have also realized that’s probably a big part of why, at the age of 51, she still hasn’t begun the middle-age spread the rest of us are fighting, is because she doesn’t bolt down her food. Not a skill I’ve learned yet.

    @merryapple I’m not fond of spring storms, but adore winter storms, and regardless of it still being the fall season, it sounds as if you’re experiencing a serious winter storm!

    @northgeorgia Where are you? Hope all is okay.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 29 UK f800

    That sums me up @jaifaim – post holiday focus shot and discombobulated! Going on holiday again tomorrow so I’ll be joining your June challenge mid month

    Thanks for the fabulous educational hosting @funshipfreddie I’ll be leaving the house at 2.40 tomorrow morning so doubt I’ll be able to sign in on our last day

    See you all soon

    Day 29 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 233 lbs. So close to 232. Glad my weight is stabilizing. Maybe by the time I hit tomorrow’s FD, it’ll have a good effect. Getting ready for the funeral service. Talk to you tomorrow.

    USA. Day 29 FD

    I did not see any pocket lists today, so I am going to start one!

    Pocket List Day 29


    I hope all is well today for everyone! I can’t believe May is almost over! 🙂

    Day 30 NZ FD 🏃🏼‍♀️ 73kg

    Can I get to the 72s by tomorrow morning esp when I have friends over tonight?????😄
    Great hosting thanks @funshipfreddie despite you filling my head with such significant facts…. I think I know who is nicking all the cheese… a gang of rats and mice??🤣
    @jaifaim Do you want me to set up a sheet? If so do you have a name for June? Any colour preferences?

    Penultimate Mindful May Pocket List 🥳

    Day 30 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    3 hours + 15 minutes?! That’s how long I had to stand in line to vote yesterday. And it was hot! The sun decided we’d have a mini heatwave, just a couple of days before the official start of winter. Anyway, all done for another 5 years. We won’t know the results until the weekend, I think.

    @merryapple – I hope you manage to dip below 73 after today’s FD. That would be a great way to end the month 🎯 I’m really not sure what to make of the dodgy @leniloud posts?! There are the long, rambling ones; & then there are very brief ones all over the place. No hint of who’s writing them, or why. No personal info at all. Under Southern Hemispherites there’s ‘Hello there! What’s on your mind today?’ Under Fat Busting Brits there’s, ‘Fat Busting Brits!! And then under the thread ‘I Hope to Feel Better’ there’s, ‘that’s everything it is ok’. I imagine someone’s already reported them, but it’s not like they’re trying to advertise something, or posting links to other sites. Maybe that will come later 🤔 A gang of rats & mice… 🤣 🐁

    @at – welcome back! I can’t imagine your weight’s changed much after all that activity?! A good book, a sun lounger & a pool is more my idea of a holiday 😅🍹

    @brightonbelle – enjoy the holiday 😎 🏖

    @jaifaim – ‘discombobulated’. Now there’s a word you don’t hear every day 😅

    Fun Food Facts

    Farmed salmon is died pink.
    Wild salmon is naturally pink because of all the shrimp they eat.
    Meanwhile, farm-raised salmon have a different diet and end up being white.
    However, they are fed specific plant pigments to get the same hue as wild salmon.

    White chocolate isn’t chocolate.
    Its name is deceiving because white chocolate doesn’t have any components of regular chocolate.
    It’s really just a mixture of sugar, milk, vanilla, lecithin, and cocoa butter.

    Ketchup used to be used as a medicine.
    Back in the early 1800’s, people thought tomatoes had medicinal qualities.
    One doctor claimed they could treat diarrhoea and indigestion, so he made a recipe for a type of tomato ketchup which then became a pill.

    Day 30 – Ireland – FD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾.

    Hi all, a quick check in – will come back later.
    @merryapple thanks so much. I will knuckle down to settle on a title for June today and set the challenge up and it would be fabulous if you could then set the spreadsheet up 🌟😇
    Thanks so very much…
    Back later…

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List Day 30

    Day 30-No. VA USA-FD

    We have an event on Sunday with family, will be going to brunch and then a museum, so FD today. Weight is up a pound from yesterday due to intemperate eating yesterday! Salty things will do it, I find. Well, I hope EO, EO today!
    @funshipfreddie, thank you for excellent hosting the past month! Looking forward to a jolly June month hosted by @jaifaim.
    @stichincarol, I am also having very disrupted sleep the past few days…no logic to it. I think I am falling asleep too early (around 9 pm) and cannot sustain that through the night.
    Forward and downward, everyone. Up on the wagon we go!

    Day 30 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 236 lbs. Last Thursday I was 226 lbs. Egads, this is what a week of no fasting looks like? I am obviously stress eating and out of control. I wish I could delve deeper into some more “small changes” I can do on NFDs. I think I need to look beyond food. I need more exercise; when I think of what has changed when I was on such a good path two years ago — my dad has passed, my mom is less mobile due to A-Fib, and very painful knees and hips. She depends on me more for assistance and companionship, which in turn makes me less active. This is reality now, but I can adapt and find another time and way to get in activity and avoid the cravings.

    Anyway, focusing on the positive — I’m fasting again. June is coming with vacation and other meetings involving food, so it won’t be quite a nice month either. I’ll have to strategize a bit, maybe loading up with more fasting opportunities at the beginning and end. I need to get the clothes in my closet to fit properly again!

    Penultimate Mindful May Pocket List 🥳

    Day 30, London UK, NFD

    Late on parade today which should have been a FD, but I CANNOT be bothered!!! I’m slightly hung over, suffering from a sugar overload and generally feeling sorry for myself despite EVERYTHING I’m suffering from being SELF inflicted!!!! Uurgh!!!😡😡

    I had planned to be mindful, to eat/drink in moderation, but WHEN will I learn that moderation is NOT a skill I have!!😢😢 Anyway, I didn’t weigh this morning because my watch band was tight and I knew the number wouldn’t be a good one …………………….. I know, doing that ostrich thing again!!! I’ll walk with Leslie tonight, guzzle lots of water, ignore this mornings hangover busting biscuit(s) and pull my head out of the sand for tomorrows weigh-in!🤞🏼🙏🏼🤞🏼

    Short and angry ‘woe is me’ style post today, and to top it all ……………. it’s just started raining🤬☔😡!!

    Tomorrow WILL be better!!

    Day 30 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – don’t know

    It’s 6:30am and I’ve been up for two hours, hence not knowing what I weigh. Another silly night where I slept well and then was abruptly awake. Usually I read my Kindle, but this time got up and did some work on that big project and also deleted several hundred emails. I need to be better about deleting them once I’ve read them!

    @brightonbelle Have a grand time!

    @merryapple VERY impressive that you’ve gotten your weight back down so that you’re so tantalizingly close to the 72s!

    @funshipfreddie Oh, my!!! That’s hideous, to have to wait so long, and in the hot sun, to vote! There are similar experiences in the States, depending on where you are, but when we vote here in our village (at the auditorium, LOL…), we occasionally have to wait for the two people in front of us. Or we are immediately able to start the process of checking in. That’s one of the serious advantages of living in a small village… And what a funny fact about ketchup!

    @excelsior12309 Yeah, I also suspected it was going to bed–and promptly falling asleep instead of reading for awhile–that was responsible, so I managed to stay up until a bit after 11 the other night–and then I woke up at 4:30, so I couldn’t blame it on when I fell asleep. Bottom line, I figure that I should sleep when I’m sleepy, and shrug when I wake up. Don’t like it, but I’m learning to shrug with grace. 😂

    @northgeorgia Two years ago, did you have so many meetings with meals? What did you do then?

    Aww, @flourbaby, I accidentally ended up in the same situation on Monday, and know how miserable you feel. Tomorrow WILL be better! ❤️

    I’m trying to decide if there’s any point in going back to bed…a half hour nap would sure feel good, but it feels doubtful if I’d actually fall asleep. 🤷🏻‍♀️ So perhaps I’ll simply make a pot of coffee.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    2nd Post -Day 30

    Penultimate Mindful May Pocket List 🥳

    USA. Day 30. FD

    Can’t believe the last day of May is tomorrow!
    Adding myself to today’s pocket list,

    Penultimate Mindful May Pocket List 🥳

    Have a great day, everyone! 👍

    Day 30 – Ireland – FD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾.

    Hi again all! The Jolly June ☀️ challenge is set up for you to access… I was humming and hawing over J words for most of the day but Jolly wins out because @excelsior12309 used it earlier! Merci! And also we should be jolly – we are here, we are together and we can do this. Let’s absolutely celebrate our losses on June 30 👍

    Having said all that I’m shattered today 😂😂 but an early night will sort me out. I’ve had a week where I needed to be in two or three places at once and it just doesn’t work for me… I love the word : discombobulated @funshipfreddie 😂 like you after that long queue to vote maybe… grrr!
    It’s what I use to describe when my brain and body just do not fire correctly. Often @flourbaby /@stitchincarol I feel this way after a sugar overload…. Not fun 🙃

    Also hovered over @lenilouds posts with a view to reporting but was not sure… 🤔 pretty suspect.

    Next month is a new month 🌅

    @merryapple can we go with summery yellow- will that work? ☀️

    Lovely healthy pocket list today 🌟

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Friday 31 NZ NFD 72.5kg😳🏃🏼‍♀️

    I suspect my fluid balance is off ie dry due to my consumption of Pinot Noir last night… which in turn has played a hand in my Woosh but I’ll take it!!! I have been trying to keep these last 7 days firmly under managerial restrictions and at last have been rewarded!
    @jaifaim Yellow it is for Jolly June!! I don’t know how to change the wee FD box colour which @at possibly set up. I usually copy and adjust the previous sheet. Anyone is welcome to change it if they know how!
    I hope everyone has had a great last day and, especially those who have struggled a wee bit, let’s all start afresh in Jolly June with a big mojo and the magic #3!!! 💪😇👍

    Day 31 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 69.7

    Success! 1st May – 70.3 kg / 31st May – 69.7 kg 😇

    @flourbaby – I felt bad for you yesterday. And I was a bit shocked by, “should have been a FD, but I CANNOT be bothered!!!” Anarchy?!! I hope you’re feeling more positive today. I really didn’t feel like fasting yesterday either. But then I remembered – …”the pain of discipline or the pain of regret”. At least discipline is followed by PFDS! I really can’t do moderation either. Neither could St Augustine, “Complete abstinence is easier than perfect moderation”.

    @merryapple – you did it!! 🏆🥳️🎉

    @stitchincarol – when the next election comes around I’ll be 67. I’ll go straight to the front of the queue with my walking frame. If I haven’t got my own by then I’ll borrow a neighbour’s 😅 I hope you got a better night’s sleep last night 💤

    @jaifaim – I WAS discombobulated! And the friend I went with finished up in a different queue. There were two lines, & the one you joined was determined by the first letter of your surname 😒 Thanks for setting up Jolly July!

    @excelsior12309 – thank you! I’m looking forward to the Jolly June ☀️ Challenge too

    Thanks to everyone who stuck around for Mindful May. See you next month 🎯

    “You must do the things you think you cannot do.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

    Fun Food Facts

    Nutmeg is a hallucinogen.
    If you ingest nutmeg in large doses, it works like a hallucinogen due to a natural compound called myristicin.
    It has mind-altering effects if taken in large doses.

    Fruit-flavoured snacks shine because of car wax.
    Yep, the same wax that is used on cars, carnauba wax, is the same type of wax that is used to give gummy candy a glossy sheen.

    One fast-food burger can have meat from 100 different cows.
    It sounds like a crazy amount, but the ground beef used to make burgers, both in fast food places and grocery stores, is made of a collection of muscle tissues 🤮

    Last one! –
    The most expensive pizza in the world costs $12,000 dollars.
    That’s because it takes 72 hours to make, and it can only be made in your home by 3 Italian chefs.
    The pizza is topped with 3 types of caviar, bufala mozzarella, lobster from Norway and Cilento, and pink Australian sea salt.

    Day 31, London, UK, FD800

    I’m feeling much more myself today. Some days there’s an accumulation of bad stuff that puts me in a murderous mood!! Thankfully they’re few & far between🤭 @funshipfreddie, where were you BEFORE I turned to the biscuit jar to soothe myself??? Anarchy indeed!!!

    I’ll weigh in tomorrow to see whether my May target was even within touching distance ……………. I’m not holding my breath!😬 It’s been a roller coaster of a month, too many stresses (should it be so difficult to buy a house???), disturbed/sleepless nights (Bo-Bo is back to 4am wake-ups!!) and the resultant poor, poor food (🍷) choices. It WILL be a Dry & Jolly June for me!!💪🏼💪🏼

    I’m looking forward to a -7lb Jolly June, hopefully I didn’t gain 7lbs in Mindful May!!😳😳

    Well done to the losers amongst us!!! See y’all on the other side🙏🏼🙏🏼

    “Your body can stand almost anything; it’s your mind that you have to convince”. ~ Vince Lombardi

    2nd Post – Day 31

    @flourbaby – I’m glad you’re feeling brighter today. It’s been a long month for a few of us, I think. Get rid of that biscuit jar. Evil, evil things! 5:2-ers aren’t allowed to have them anyway. I’m sure that’s in the rules! 😅

    @jaifaim – I meant thanks for setting up ‘Jolly June’, not July, duh? Like this year isn’t going fast enough as it is?!

    Pocket List – Day 31 🍌
    @flourbaby FD800

    Day 30 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶🏽‍♀️ 🌾.
    Amazingly.. back to 155.5lbs
    After rising to 159.6 post hols.
    No on more surprised than me 🤔

    @funshipfreddie thank you so much for Mindful May! You were a wonderful host and managed to keep me somewhat focused in a relatively difficult time.. I was on holidays of course but also the day to day care for mum had been ever changing the past two months and it turns out I’m not great with change and of course it is all a little emotional. But hey… we are here and thank you thank you thank you!!
    How annoying that you and your friend were separated 🥲

    Also feeling much more myself today @flourbaby and @stitchincarol I have proved to myself several times over that what I take into my body affects me in mood and mind… with brain fog, resulting low mood and then the old headaches.. so my “go aways (rather than go tos)” are sugar, alcohol – So I should stay away from them…🛑 An absolute “no no” for me now is gluten. It’s in pretty much everything though 😬

    I have been eating more sugary foods recently and voila… the feeling of discombobulation and gentle weariness.
    I’m hoping Jolly June will see me back on track with improved cognitive behaviour, more energy and less sinusy/other headaches.

    @merryapple bravo to you! Ending the month on a low and down to the 72s! Pure fabulousness 👏👏⭐️

    @stitchincarol I’m so sorry to hear you are having problems sleeping.. I did for a long time but it seems to have got better recently now that I think about it… I’m eating earlier in the evening… leaving my phone in another room so all that seems to be helping.
    Best of luck with the big project 🌟

    @at I didn’t have much time to post the other day but your Arran holiday sounds absolutely fabulous! A Scottish friend keeps saying we should go so I am going to take note of your highlights and maybe one day.. 🙌
    @ccco – still inspired by your fabulous attitude.. ⭐️
    @northgeorgia June is coming as you say… a new start… don’t we just love them 🌅
    @metatauta, @lilymartin see you there!!
    @brightonbelle enjoy your holiday!!! 🏖️ Where are you off to on this break? We will see you when we see you 😄

    A demain everyone!

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Ps.. thanks so much for setting up the Jolly June sheet @merryapple! It looks lovely and bright ☀️

    Day 31 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 232 lbs. Well, very good FD500 yesterday. Planning on Sunday being another FD, so I should be back on track for the start of June. I’ll have a vacation and meetings in mid-June, but just got to keep NFDs more mindful. @stitchincarol Nope, it was post-pandemic and people were still afraid of getting together. Still, these should slow down a bit soon. My monthly leadership class ends next month, so that’ll be one less event 😉

    USA. Day 31. FD

    Can’t believe another month is coming to an end! Thank you Jaifaim. I will be away this weekend to visit with my family in NYC. I told my doctor I couldn’t be operated on until I see them. I will be back reading posts on Monday. I hope everyone has a great weekend! :)👍

    Day 31 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 160.4 OR 161.0 (SEE BOTTOM OF POST)

    DH had a hospital visit to make in Omaha yesterday, so we seized the opportunity and went out to dinner afterward. Ate all the salmon, a third of the gnocchi it was sitting on, and some of the charred brussels sprouts; the rest came home and will be lunch today. We have another wedding tomorrow, which means wedding rehearsal and dinner tonight, so I’m hopeful those two meals will satisfy me and not require too much self-control not to eat any other time of the day.

    The last day of April, I weighed 162.6 and did a WF; the first day of May, I weighed 159.6 and was pleased but knew it was just empty-body weight–and certainly better than empty-body weight had been other times in the month. So how much does that mean I’ve lost in May? Because although my weight is up from the first of May, it’s after two meals yesterday, so I’m calling this a loss, without specifying how much, and that’s a huge win because I don’t think I’ve lost in any other month since last year.

    And my pledge for June is that I’ll resume fasting on Tuesdays and perhaps one other day each week.

    @funshipfreddie Thanks so much for hosting! Your food facts were a delight to read each day and was a lovely part of my wake-up routine; you also did a lovely job of replying to each post. I appreciate your efforts and will applaud any time you want to host! And a $12K pizza??? I wonder how many of those are arranged and purchased each year…

    @jaifaim Thanks for hosting June! I’ll get on there after I’ve posted here.

    @merryapple Congratulations on reaching that long-desired 72-something!

    @flourbaby So glad you’re feeling like yourself again today. I got 8+ hours of sleep last night and am a much happier camper myself this morning. That big project I’ve been working on (a 44-page convention manual that’s needed for our convention at the end of June) is THIS CLOSE to done, so I’m sure that will allow good sleep to return most of the time now; I hope your house purchase finally calms down and finishes so you can have the joy of moving in and feeling far less stress!

    @jaifaim YAY! I’m actually not at all surprised: I think the 159 was caused by bulk in your belly; the 155 was caused by all that cycling you did on vacation! And DS32, the one who’s also gluten-intolerant, says the most welcome change now that he’s GF is the brain fog being gone, and I know a lot of people say the same thing.

    @northgeorgia It’s been puzzling why you were suddenly having problems with meals that I thought surely had been going on forever, so that makes complete sense–I remember those days of far fewer gatherings. And this is an entirely new skill you’re having to learn in your weight loss journey. You’ll get there. Just don’t be afraid to be unique: to be picky in what you eat and in what you ignore, in what you put on your plate and in what you leave behind at the buffet counter. And look around: I’ll just bet there are others who are also making an attempt to ignore most of the carbs; make them your table buddy, LOL!

    @ccco Have a grand time in New York City visiting your family!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Okay, update: HOW can I tell what I weigh when my scales are so flat-out weird?? When I started this post, I did indeed weigh 160.4–several times because I was so pleased I kept checking. Then I was done with my post but needed to go again, so did in case the scale dropped because of further elimination. And now it says 161.0 and refuses to budge. TMI, I’m sure, but isn’t that just flat-out W.E.I.R.D.?????

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