Day 13 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD500 – 154.8
I’m still managing to eat almost only meals, with no snacking. Yesterday was slightly less successful, but it certainly wasn’t bad. Rather on impulse, I decided last Friday morning–two days after Lent started, you realize, LOL–to give up sugar for Lent. If the point is something difficult, I sure succeeded with my choice, because my sweet tooth has been HOWLING. I’m sure that’s going to be a healthy decision, however.
@merryapple Thanks for the tip on deep breathing. I couldn’t have done that several days ago, as it would have sent me into a paroxysm of coughing…a pat on the back from a friend did the same thing, LOL. But I did it this morning, and will continue to do so, both in hopes it helps, and also in appreciation of how good deep breathing feels. I’ve been taking a small spoonfull of honey at night to help soothe the coughing; my doctor said, when she was in medical school, they were told honey is as effective as any OTC cough medicine; my doctor several decades ago said the same as you about grog.
And, how fun about the things you were teaching the volunteers; I’m sure they had a grand time learning from you!
@funshipfreddie I’m glad you’re feeling so much better. Your omelette yesterday sounds absolutely lovely! We were given a fresh supply of farm fresh eggs yesterday, so may have an omelette in our near future…
@northgeorgia How lovely that you’ve improved enough to head to work!
Wow, quiet this morning. My cleaning lady comes today, a move from Wednesdays, and house is pretty much ready for her. I have a pile of clothes to hang up and put away, and need to get my car out of the garage so I can head in to Omaha later–in other words, nothing onerous. We found three houses to look at, and then found a real possibility, so we’ll be headed down to Lincoln again tomorrow. I started working, in a TRULY desultory fashion, on our taxes yesterday…ugh. The job I hate most of all the things I do, LOL. Oh well, needs must, right?
Have a grand one, everyone, and I hope all the rest of you are content in the things that are keeping you away from chatting!
2:00 pm
13 Mar 25