Day 7 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 154.0
We have answers: we’ve both had Influenza A. It was too late for that medicine you get when you first come down with it, but the doctor gave me prednisone and something that’s supposed to help some with coughing. And I actually ate last night, not lots, but mmore than a bite or two which has been my norm, and I’m still down 0.2 pounds. That’s the part of this sickness that I’m absolutely loving; I’ll celebrate weight loss however it comes to me, even when I’m most definitely not celebrating the vehicle that delivered it! So I’m far better today, which simply means I’m still struggling to act like a healthy human. Influenza is no joke!
@at Your “light lunch sitting out in the garden” sounds so lovely. Is it doing well, your garden, or is it in need of the person who came and helped you tame it a few years ago?
@iona72 Wow. A TDEE of 1925 is impressive compared to my 1350! You sound like you’re on a perfect path to continued and steady weight loss.
@funshipfreddie I feel for you, that you’re coming down with it. Back in my healthiest days, I found that if I did a hard 30 minute walk on the treadmill, it would help minimize any cold I was getting; have you ever noticed that helping?
@excelsior12309 Oh, excellent news indeed to have found a real estate agent who may be able to sell your building!
@ccco YouTube is a wealth of exercise possibilities; I hope you delight in Adrienne!
Okay, now that I’m no longer contagious, we’re off to get the oil changed and run a few errands; then I’m sure I’ll need a nap after such exertion, LOL!
Have a grand one, everyone!
2:56 pm
7 Mar 25