Menopause Desperate… can only wear sweatpants! Maryland USA

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Menopause Desperate… can only wear sweatpants! Maryland USA

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Martapatterson 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Im 53 and have gone from 118 lbs to 147 almost overnight. I’ve tried everything and my weight won’t budge.

    Newbie – please help

    Hi Marta and welcome:

    This will get you started:

    Good Luck!

    I definitely found weight loss more difficult post-menopausal than before. I decided to do 4:3 rather than 5:2 (long story) and lost ~50 lbs in 9 months. The first few weeks, fasts were tough. I’d get really hungry in the afternoon. I started having miso soup in the afternoon and felt much better. I didn’t count calories on non-fast days, but I did keep a food diary.

    So there is definitely hope! Good luck!

    Thank you for your response MaryAnn.

    Gaining and loosing weight during and after menopause has been a nightmare.

    Thank you Simcoeluv – will start reading and working on it.

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