Measuring Body Fat %

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  DeeBStew 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hello

    My question is, when measuring body fat % with calipers, why do they take your age into account? They stipulate quite clearly that it is not possible for calipers to measure muscle, and that they will only measure your fat. So why would age be an issue, surely fat is fat?


    Calipers measure skin fold, not internal fat. I understand that as you age your body density decreases for the same skin fold measurement, which probably means you have more internal fat. Hence estimating total body fat rather than subcutaneous fat depends on age. It seems to be similarly flawed as BMI though, if you are an athlete.

    It does seem that way HappyNow, thank you for your response.

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