Major injuries

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Steve H 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    I would just like to warn people who are doing this diet. I successfully enjoyed doing the 5 2 diet for nearly 2 years, losing over a stone and maintaining it.I had no problems at all but on leaving work in May, on a fasting day,I apparently feinted for the first time in my 55 years. This would not of been so bad but it happened in the middle of the road and unfortunately,I was hit by a car and received multiple injuries, 6 fractured vertabrae in my back, 2 broken wrists, 5 broken ribs and a broken shoulder! As you can imagine, I am still trying to mentally come to terms with what happened, especially as I was a very fit 55 year old man, playing sports and walking 15,000 – 20,000 steps per day. I have never feinted in my life and never thought it would happen y doing the diet for 2 years. Seems very unfair that I only did the diet to stay healthy and been punished with life changing injuries! Just wanted to warn people that no matter how long you have done the diet, never take anything for granted

    Steve, that is terrible! I’m so sorry to hear about your accident. Did your doctor say it had something to do with fasting? People can faint for a lot of different reasons. If you’ve been living the 5:2 plan for almost 2 years, you’ve been through a lot of (hopefully) uneventful fast days. What changed?

    Are you back at home recovering?

    Hi CalifDreamer,

    Thanks for your reply,yes the doctor is pretty sure it was due to the fasting,when I got to the hospital my blood sugar levels were really very low and probably due to only having a banana for lunch combined with quite a physical day at work. The reason why I’ve told the story is to warn people not to get too cocky and confident about the diet. People used to say that they couldn’t do it but I always said that I’d done it for 2 years without any effect but now i’d rather be 16 stone than have life changing injuries!

    Physically I’m doing quite well but with so many injuries, I doubt that I will get back to what I was before the accident. I still consider myself to be really unlucky that my one and only feint happened to be in the middle of the road and now I’m not even sure that I can return to the same job or play sports like golf again, plus the chances of suffering from arthritis etc in years to come. Just make the most of being well because if I could go back to before the accident now, I’d certainly take a different view of the diet even though I still should of eaten and drank more on that fateful day but again, I’d done it before without any trouble so didn’t think anything of it. Thanks again and I Hope it all goes well for you

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