low blood pressure

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  DrLL 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi – just joined the forum. Started the Fast Diet two weeks ago and three days ago had a small episode that required a GP visit. I have suffered from high blood pressure for many years and it has taken some time to get it stabalised with medication. The episode I had was that I was unstable and losing part of my vision. After lying down for an hour all started to recover and I was left with a residual headache. I have had these in the past.
    The GP did the usual examinations and said almost certainly it is a low blood pressure spike and the symptoms are consistent with that. We discussed the diet and he suspects I didn’t drink enough on the fast day (I didn’t and urinated a lot) and probably triggered the ketone bodies which in turn destabilised my fragile blood pressure.
    GP said the diet was excellent and I just need to manage it better. I agree and will continue and make sure that I drink a lot during the fast days, I will probably do the 2pm – 2pm, will suit me better. Great system. Cheers John 71 year old retired, Perth WA

    Hi john. What a nasty experience. A reminder for all of us that fasting is doing potent things to our bodies a we should be careful if being treated for illnesses and let our doctor know that we are fasting. Glad to hear that your GP is supporting your life-style.

    John and everyone else.
    I found this old reply of mine. 3 weeks after I wrote this to you, I experience the very same thing myself. I stood up after sitting in squat, lost my conscious, fell backwards, and recovered immediately.

    My doctor gave me a thorough health check. Everything was normal or in fact better than expected for my age. She could give no other explanation than low blood pressure as a result of quickly rising from sitting in squat.

    I do not think this was related to fasting per se, since I was not fasting on that day. Also blood tests showed no sign of dehydration. Blood pressure is normal (not low)

    In fact when I was a teenager I did tend to get dizzy if changing position quickly. So John, maybe it is just a sign that we are getting younger 😉

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