Looking for any tips and perhaps a fasting buddy!!!

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Looking for any tips and perhaps a fasting buddy!!!

This topic contains 24 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Veggie Girl 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone! I am giving the fast diet a go as a means to get my weight under control. I lost a huge amount of weight in 2 years and was delighted with my results, however after being comfortable in my relationship and letting work take over my life, after a recent holiday I noticed that some of the weight has crept back on!

    I want to lose 10 kgs and my fast days are going to be Tuesday and Thursday and if anyone is keen for a buddy in all this and getting started, let me know and we can get through it together!!!

    Thanks in advance everyone!!!


    Hi! I started fasting today! I’m not sure I will be able to have the same fixed fast days as one of the things I like about the 5-2 is you can adapt it to each weeks plans! As far as the first day goes, I wasn’t as hungry as I thought I would be and I felt great all day just because I was doing ok! I can’t really offer many tips yet as o have only fasted a day, but drinking water all day helped me and this forum too! Have a read in a few threads even if you don’t post in all of them and I’m sure you will find lots of tips and positive experiences!
    It would be great to have a fast buddy!! Hope your first day of fasting goes as well as mine!

    Hi Isa and welcome:

    Here are some tips that might help you with 5:2: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Good Luck!

    Hi Holly and Isa,
    welcome to the Fast diet forum!

    This is my second week of fasting (I did the Fast diet about a year ago but didn’t keep it up and put the weight back on). Like you, Holly, I’m doing Tuesday and Thursday, though I think we might be in different hemispheres — I’m all the way down in Auckland, NZ.

    I’m at the end of my second Tuesday fast and feeling great. This time round I bought the ebook and read all the info before getting started. I now try to have just two meals a day, one at lunch and one at dinner. That way I can maximise the amount of fasting time in between meals.

    Weighing myself after my first two fast days last week, I’d lost what i felt was an impressive 1.4kgs, although after five days of normal eating, that loss had reduced to 500g.

    At the moment I’m happy just to be losing rather than putting weight on. I usually lose 4 or 5kgs then give up, so am hoping to keep up the motivation this time round.

    Best of luck to you both. Hope you have a great first week!

    Hi Simcoeluv,than you for the link to the tips! Some really helpful ideas there 🙂

    Hi Veggie Girl, congrats on your weight loss! From what I have read I think 0.5kg is a healthy amount to lose! I’m going to try to resist stepping on the scales until next week!

    Hi all!!

    Nearing the end of my first fast day and feeling great! I thought it would be be alot harder! Have been drinking alot of water and keeping busy at work!

    Loving the stories guys!

    Good luck over the next few weeks!

    Hi all! I’m having my fist non fast day since Monday, as yesterday I wasn’t planning on fasting but I just wasn’t hungry and thought I might as well try to keep going to see what I felt like. I felt fine all day, the only difference was I had a low fat yogurt between lunch and dinner to keep going!
    I thought today I would be really hungry all day but surprised to say I’m ok and haven’t over eaten.
    Hope you had good fast days!

    Hi guys! Hope it’s ok to join your thread, my first week of fasting went well but this week has been a bit of a nightmare so I’m planning to start afresh on Saturday ? I will also be fasting Tuesday & Thursday so hopefully we can all motivate each other!

    Hi Holly, Isa and Mrs G.
    I’ve had a fantastic week fasting! I’ve felt far less hungry than I though I would (after getting used to the concept of being hungry – again). Good luck with starting again, Mrs G. I find Tuesday and Thursday works well for me as it breaks the week up nicely. I go to a Pilates class on a Wednesday night so only have a light meal after I get home. Then Friday feels awesome knowing I can have a wine and something nice for dinner.
    Not that I’m having unpleasant food on my fast days. I’m making it as yummy as possible and so far have had a piece of wholewheat toast (love my bread) with a spread of blue cheese and greens for ‘lunch’ each day. With that I have a coffee with my day’s allowance of milk.
    Good luck to us all for the coming week.

    Hi there,
    PLEASE DO HAVE A KITCHEN SCALE!! This is the best tip I can give.
    I’ve been doing 5:2 for 10 days. Having had 4 fast days I lost some weight but less than I expected. I thought it was too early to have a platau as people mention after 3 months. Then I realized I’m miscalculating the calories I had. I decided to get a kitchen scale which has 1 gram sensitivity. I recalculated my previous overexaggerated feast breakfast with which I over-awarded myself and shocked to see I had 1/3 more than I thought. I’m scaling everything now it’s very useful. I believe in this 5:2, fon’t give up do hsve a kitchen scale 🙂 Good luck everyone.

    Hi all!
    Ready for a new week of fasting?! 🙂 I had a great first week, I was a bit hesitant to get on scales this morning as I had a “normal” weekend food wise but I have lost 1.7kg. I don’t expect I will keep losing as much but its a big motivation to stay on track this week!!
    Fasting today with a smile
    Hope you all have a great week!

    I am over the moon!!! Week two of fasting and after weighing myself this morning I am delighted to report that I have gone from 80KGs all the way down to 78.3kgs!!!! So delighted as I was a little worried because I went a bit food crazy over the weekend but more in quantity than unhealthy foods.

    Hope everyone is going well!! Keep it up!


    Congratulations, Holly and Isa! those are fantastic losses.
    I have had my Tuesday fast day today and was surprised that I haven’t felt as hungry at certain times of the day, nor actually bothered by the hunger pangs when they do come.
    Thanks for the tip about weighing the food, Fatih. It’s a good point. I am using some recipes from the Fast Diet book and have also adapted one or two of my own. There are heaps of 5/2 recipes online too, so no excuse to get bored on our fast days!

    Hi veggie girl, thanks!!

    Tuesday morning here in Spain, so starting non fast day, I’m trying to eat meals from low g-i diet, I find they keep me full for longer and it’s handy the calories all already worked out and healthy!
    Have a great day all!

    Congratulations holly! Let’s keep it u this week 😉

    Hi all! Monday morning here, so ready for fast day, lost another 1.7kg since last week so happy with the results so far!
    How to you cope with normal eating days? I’m finding them harder than the fast days, I don’t eat enough to reach the calories I should but I’m just not hungry enough… I normally get to about 1000- 1100. I think it’s OK because I probably make up for it at the weekend, I had a friends birthday pary which involved pizza… Only had a few slices and no cake though so I think I did pretty well.XD
    I can’t work out if eating under on normal days will bad for weight loss long term, maybe I should make more of an effort to get more calories?
    Hope you have a great start to the week!

    Awesome effort, Isa! You must be feeling super motivated. I say go with whatever is working for you. There may come a time when you feel the need for more intake and as long as you feel in control you will be fine. Remember to keep up the protein on your fast days. In the book they say this is important so your body burns fat and not muscle mass.

    Hi. I’ve been looking for a group who have just started the 5:2 diet like me! I did my first fasting day yesterday and it all went pretty good. I have found today, a ‘normal eating’ day much harder – fighting to eat a sensible amount and not go crazy before my second fasting day tomorrow. Are the books really useful? Reading your posts is really motivating and encouraging – sounds like you’re all doing so well! I’ll look forward to seeing how we all get on.

    Hi all, how’s it going?

    Lost a bit less last week, still 1kg, so happy with result. Had a fast day yesterday and got a headache for the first time, I’m sure I drank enough water so I will put it down to menstrual cycle… Let’s see how it goes, might find it harder to resist treats!

    Welcome sher,how did your fisrt week go? I only read the “original” book and I did find it helpful to understand the health benefits and what to expect, it helped me get motivated but I haven’t looked at it since (week 4 of fasting this week). As I said, I try to use a low GI diet book for non fast days.
    Have a great week!

    Hi there,
    My first week was a bit hit and miss, not too worried because I’m not really fully organised in my mind (and fridge!) with exactly what I’m doing – work in progress at the moment! went from 98.3kg to 98.2kg. Hope to do a bit better next week. Just finished reading the book which I found helpful too.

    Well done with your weight loss Isa! Good going! It’s inspiring.

    Happy fasting everybody.

    Hi Sher, thanks! Once you get into the routine I will be easier, one of the things I read that really stuck was that i have to be serious about the fast days or else they end up just being days you eat less but not really fasting.
    I eat skip breakfast and have 200 cal for lunch about 13:00 and 300 for dinner. I take my dog to agility class the days I fast and its a good distraction so I can put off dinner until about 20:00. I drink loads of herbal teas in between! And so far so good.
    Have you worked out a rountine? I thought I would have to change the days I fasted quite a bit but in the end I find it easier to stick to the same days and I just adapt to plans. For example, if I go and meet a friend for a coffee on a fast day I have a tea instead and then find I don’t want a biscuit or cake with it ( I can have it tomorrow if I still want it)
    I also set myself a “mini” goal for Christmas and I think of that on non fast days of help me make better choices, but I don’t say no to everything because one of the reasons I think this diet works is that you can allow yourself some treats and eat out without feeling guilty.

    Thanks for the tips Isa and welcome Sher. I actually put on 400g last week which wasn’t welcome to say the least! But the good news is I can feel a difference in my clothes so am focusomg on that. Wednesday today and I’m looking forward to breakfast. I always wait now till I’m actually hungry before breakfast rather than eat at a set time. Slowly changing habits! Happy fasting people!

    Hi all! How’s it going? I have been busy revising for exams and haven’t been focussing as much on diet to be honest. I’ve had a nasty cold all last week that coincided with exam week. Only managed one fast day, by the time I got to exam after day at work I was past counting calories!! Did a weigh in today and have stayed the same, so not as bad I expected.
    Looking at bigger picture, I started 09.11.2015 at 85.6kg and today 17.12.2015 I’m at 80kg 🙂
    Hope you all had a better fasting week than me!!

    Hi, how’s it going? It’s been a while… Break for Christmas, and I mean all Christmas break not just a few days! I just worked out that in the end I had almost three weeks! I didn’t do any fast days but I was more careful than I normally would be and got through without putting on any weight so that says a lot for how fasting has changed my eating habits in general!
    I started work at school and fasting again this week and found it easy to get back into.
    No crazy new year resolutions, just to stick to fasting two days a week as well as I can and not overeat the other days, being extra careful on weekends but enjoying life and going out too!
    How’s it going for you? Have you set any new goals?

    Hello Isa.
    I did fairly well over Christmas but have been slipping back into bad habits lately. today is my first ‘proper’ fast day for a while. I’ve been starting the day well but giving in to having snacks before dinner, and then the whole thing goes out the window.
    I need to keep the big picture in mind and remember how good it feels to be in control and healthier.
    Hope the rest of you have been doing well and keeping up the motivation!

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