Looking for an American man to be interviewed for a magazine!

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Looking for an American man to be interviewed for a magazine!

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  MeredithB 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hello fast dieters!
    I’m doing a piece on Intermittent Fasting for the American men’s magazine DETAILS. I interviewed Dr. Mosley and a few other experts and am now looking for someone who has tried the 5:2 diet (or any version of it–could also be fasting one day a week, or every other day…) to tell me about his experience. Ideally American, 30s or 40s, male. If you might be willing to chat, please contact me directly at meredithbryan1001@gmail.com.
    All best and thanks for considering!

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