Longer fasting periods needed?

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Nika 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hello everyone – can you help a newby please? I have just finished week 3 of the diet. Week 1 – no change. Week 2 – lost 2 pounds. Week 3 – regained the 2 pounds so back to the beginning – sigh.

    My question is this – do I need to go for longer without eating? I have stuck to the 500 calorie limit on my 2 fast days a week, but have consumed them in the form of 3 meals – breakfast 100 cals and 200 each for lunch and dinner.

    I do not have a lot of weight to lose – I am 5 foot 7 (same as Mimi) and just under 10 stone – but as she is eight and a half stone I am sure I can lose a few pounds – sorry to use you as a benchmark Mimi! I just wanted to feel a bit leaner. Thoughts?

    Hello and welcome.
    What is your TDEE(found on this page) and are you eating to it?
    Have you measured your bust, waist, hips, thighs, calves and upper arms 3 weeks ago?
    If you didn’t can I suggest that you do so now. There are often times when the scales seem to be broken, but you will be shrinking.

    Can you increase or change any exercise that you might do?

    I miss breakfast on a fast day and just have lunch and evening meal.You could try a change but I would look at the amount of calories you are consuming on a non fast day first as in the FAQ’s on this page.
    Any help?

    Thanks that’s really helpful. I will try missing breakfast this week – but keep an eye on what I am eating/drinking on non-fast days as well. Now where’s that tape measure…

    Hey Fliss (sounded better than B or Fast…)

    If you were to ask me, I’d say you definitely need to start fasting. Because now you’re not fasting at all. I wonder about that sometimes, that people say they’re “fasting” when they eat three meals a day… that means your body is still working on digesting food all the time. Makes me think “so… when are they actually fasting?”.
    For the last two weeks I’ve had just one meal a day (in the evening) and I feel fine. I’m not saying you should do that, of course 😉 But I think having 1 meal on fast days will give your body a definite nudge into burning some more fat. Especially if you exercise whilst fasted (so at the end of the day, when you haven’t eaten for 16+ hours!) This way your body won’t have a choice but to use stored fat for energy, as it doesn’t have any sugars to burn.

    Anyway, that’s my ten cents, hope it helps 🙂 Always choose what feels best for you (but don’t dismiss things without trying!)

    Hi thank you Nika – I did my first gym session on a fast day yesterday and it wasn’t as hard as I expected! I will try the one meal approach on my next fast day tomorrow – appreciate your advice! Fliss

    Fliss, that’s pretty.
    Why didn’t I think of that???

    Anyway, welcome and maybe try nikas suggestion .
    You want your body ‘ to fast’ but not faint.

    I like eating no earlier than 12.30 on a fast day , although this week was 3.30 so I had a good 19 hours ‘ fasting’
    If you see what we mean.
    Michael does 12 hrs then. 12 hrs. He has breakfast then Dinner.
    I prefer no breakfast as I’m not hungry then, so why eat???
    I drink loads of water and flush myself out in the mornings!!

    Have a bit of a play and see after 4 weeks if you then lose weight. Sorry you saw the scales go back up..disappointing huh.

    Thank you for your advice – I will take your advice and start later tomorrow – I’ll let you know how I get on….

    Weeeeell? 😉

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