Light headedness

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Mixed 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I have been on Fast Diet for one week and am encouraged by the result already – have lost 4 pounds. However, I am somewhat discouraged by feelings of light headedness. I get this on fast days and it continues onto the next day. Not very pleasant, and I suspect it has to do with low blood sugar levels. Any comments?

    I get that feeling too from time to time but it isn’t a big problem for me. I try to plan my fast days on the less stressful days of the week and that helps.
    You’re doing very well and you will also find that it gets easier after a while, especially when you start to feel the real benefits.

    Thanks Mark. Yes, I have found that if I cut down on my physical activity on fast days then it is OK. I also think that spreading my calorie intake more evenly over the day helps. So far, so good – and I am sticking with it!

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