Life in the Fast Lane

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Chuckk 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • I’m a man of nearly 64 having tried to keep fit since retiring from a sedentary job at 55 by going as regularly as I could face to the gym. At only 5’6″ and 165lbs I have to lose at least 15lbs. Saw Horizon last summer and made a half- hearted attempt at starting what I considered “the diet”. I lost motivation after a few weeks. Last week I noticed The Book on sale at the supermarket and my wife made me buy it. Didn’t think I needed to because I thought I knew what it was about and just had to get on with it. But having read it now, I am convinced this is not just a diet but a life style. I am now determined to continue what I started last week to reap all the health benefits not just to get my trousers to fit. Everybody should live in this way (unless there is a good reason not to) as it seems obvious to me now that this is how we evolved. I have a higher LDL cholesterol than I should have, despite the porridge and special yoghurts, as well as a low fat, high fibre diet. When I’ve lost a stone I’ll go back for another test and let you know how I get on!

    Hello jbdineley,
    True, I think that too – this is a lifestyle, an amazingly healthy one at that! I’m going to go this route for the rest of my life as well – it just makes so much sense and makes what we do eat all the more pleasurable as I’ve noticed more the flavors and textures of the foods I eat; eating for quality, not quantity – a change in my pattern as well.
    I agree – this would change so many things in everyone’s lives, and I think that too – we are designed by nature for just this diet, exercise, and pattern of fasting. I’m curious to see what changes with your HDL/LDL levels as well – post it!
    from Chuck

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