Lets Go…

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Colindp 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • 56 yr old yo yo dieter giving it another go. this is make or break time.

    I am a keen cyclist and commute to work and back by bike covering 100-200 km’s a week and still can’t shed any weight. My last consultation with my doctor his desperation echoing mine…would you consider surgery!!!
    So here I am embarking on this new challenge, first fasting day today…wonder how that will affect the energy levels for the bike ride home??

    Best of luck to you all on your own journey.

    When I first started 5:2/4:3, I was running regularly, training for 10Ks and half-marathons. Exercising on fast days didn’t usually bother me, but I did time long runs for non-fast days.

    Good luck!

    I used to love running, that combined with good diet and the cycling and I did lose quite a bit of weight…then disaster struck, played football one afternoon and ended up with a complete tear of my ACL and partial tear of the MCL….For some reason doctors will not offer reconstruction unless I get difficulties…So no more running, cycling is fine though, no issues at all, even putting in some climbs out of the saddle?

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