Kick start!!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  StephB 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi, thought I’d pop in and say hello. I did this a few months ago and lost 1/2 stone, then with one thing and another didn’t keep it up.

    So I’m now back with avengance determined that this time I won’t let other things get in the way. I forgot how much I enjoy (yes enjoy!) fasting days. I like the control and restrictions of calouries. I always woke up feeling great the day after, so looking forward to tomorrow morning!!

    By joining the forum I hope to stay on track, just wish I could bottle the feeling of control it would make remembering how great it feels easy!

    Can I suggest you find a fast buddy who is doing this way of life too to encourage you? To see something tangible its good to record your weight and measurements on a chart. I use My Fitness Pal website.
    After 5 months I’ve lost 24lbs but more importantly my cholesterol has dropped by 20%.

    Beavergong, I like your suggestion of seeing a tangible record of changes. I haven’t been measuring so far but wish I had taken some at the start. I’m actually off on holiday tomorrow for 2 weeks – and have no intention whatsoever of fasting while I’m away (heaven forbid!) – but, anticipating that I’ll have put on the meagre two pounds (and then some)that I’ve lost so far, I’ll take some measurements the morning after I return and get back in the 5:2 saddle! With a bit of luck I might even persuade hubby to join me… Dieting can be a lonely business! Thank heavens for this forum 🙂

    Enjoy your holiday. My husband fasts with me and it sure makes it easier on fast days. I must admit though he lets me work everything out and has been known to ring me when he’s out to say can I fit in a skinny cap or a glass of wine in my 600 cals when we began the diet….now he can see 24 lbs lost and some real changes he’ll even make the fast soup if I’m busy.

    Back off holiday and I’m pleased to report that I’ve only put on two pounds! Certainly feel a lot more bloated though. Decided to fast today, Saturday, rather than waiting til Monday. And the other bit of pleasing news is that I’ve persuaded hubby to give it a go, too! No doubt the weight will melt off him at a rate of knots, whilst it’ll take me months to see much change, but hey-ho, I’m used to life being unfair at times! 🙂

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