Keep getting colds

This topic contains 11 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Minka 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • I’m on my third attempt at the 5-2 diet but each time, usually by the secoond week I get a cold/ flu which can last from 1 week to 3 weeks. At first I thought it was a coincidence but now I’mnot so sure. Would appreciate your thoughts and advice on this. Am not weighing myself but do think I have lost a little weight.

    Mumto2 – that is very interesting. Are you eating something different when you are fasting that you normally don’t otherwise?

    Hi VibeRadient, the only thing different I think is that I am eating larger amounts of vegetables than usual. A friend suggested that my immunity may be low. Have decided to take a break for a few weeks and try again.

    @mumto2 – could it be by increasing the vegetables you are detoxing your body, which sometimes can be similar to a cold such as a runny nose.
    Glad to hear that you will keep at it.

    Hi VIbeRadient, most definitely had a cold, the first time I also lost my voice for a week. May be that I never got rid of the virus I caught initially. Anyway how are you doing, hope you are managing to loose weight.

    I’ve been doing the 5:2 diet for 3.5 years. I’m starting to see a correlation with colds(I’ve had more colds over the last 3.5 years). I’ve seen a few other posts on the Internet with people wondering about lowering your immunity while doing a fast and I’m starting to believe that’s the case, at least for some of us. Would be interested in hearing from others.

    Might be possible. You may be placing your body under stress if your liver is not able to cope well with your reduced calorie intake. Independent of 5:2 I have been having cold showers for 3 years now. Easy to do in summer, real hard in winter. Ive had one cold in 3 years. So cant say the same is true for me.

    Fasting places stress on the body, as Bigbooty pointed out. Our body secretes extra cortisol as a response. High cortisol tends to suppress the immune system. Each person is unique in their ability to cope with high cortisol and other factors play a part as well, such as Vitamin D levels, liver health. Anyway, with regard to cortisol as a standalone, here is a quote from the link below: During periods of increased stress, “the immune cells are being bathed in molecules which are essentially telling them to stop fighting,” according to Dr. Esther Sternberg (20). These molecules, namely cortisol, suppress the immune system and inflammatory pathways, rendering the body more susceptible to disease.”

    I’ve found it essential to maintain other stress factors since starting IF. Like others, I too came down with a flu within a month of starting IF, whereas I’d been exposed numerous times to all types of virus’ at work prior to that and never did it develop into anything. What I conclude out of this experience is that I need to be vigilant about lowering those other factors that place stress on my body, to help balance out the stress added by IF. For me this means getting quality sleep, heeding limits and boundaries, allowing myself ‘down time’, and of course eating consciously by making healthy food choices both on FDs and NFDs.

    P.S. I just thought of something Bigbooty! I’m aware of how you encourage everyone to give up sugar, which I agree is the way we should all go!

    I was just thinking and realize that the week in which I came down with the flu, I was not only overdoing on all fronts, so stressed to the max, but was also a week of a number of celebrations/parties where I made some ‘healthy’ sweet treats, mainly raw made with nuts, coconut oil, avocado, etc. However, they all had considerable amounts of natural sweeteners such as rice malt, coconut sugar, xylitol. Those are sugars too and all sugar wreaks havoc with the immune system, probably equally or more so than high cortisol.

    My guess is that you haven’t developed any infection because you refrain from consuming added sugar in any form.

    Thank you both for your answers. After taking your comments into consideration and what else I’ve been reading on the Internet, I am becoming convinced my colds are due to the fast added with additional stress.

    For me, I have specifically correlated being sick after I have had to travel for work(3 different times now). Something I dislike immensely. I think the fact that I have adhered to this diet very strictly perhaps can sometimes be a bad thing. I think going forward I am going to be more flexible with this diet especially when traveling for work. I’ll either change the days or perhaps break the fast during these periods. Thank you for your input! All the best!


    Im absolutely convinced that sugar is as bad as it gets. It provides nothing but empty calories. No nutritional value what so ever!!


    Im very regimented in my fasting, its every Monday come hell or high water. I only do 6:1 now as Ive reached my goal weight. This works real well for me and I never wake up hungry on a Monday morning as Ive gotten so used to it. This works for me, but you need to find a method that works for you that doesn’t place you under stress. If that means flipping the days around so be it. Quoting Happy Gilmore you need to find your “happy place”.

    I agree Bigbooty! Besides empty calories The link below explains the mechanism of exactly how sugar consumption reduces body’s defenses by as much as 75% for hours after consumption.

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