Just starting out

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  b4wego2012 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • I have lost and gained weight all of my life. Having heard all about the fast diet from a colleague at work, I downloaded the book and started the first fast almost immeadiatly. I have bought a note book to jot down what I eat even on non fast days, I feel I need this routine although I am eating what I fancy, I am not gorging. I am focused and motivated so BRING IT ON

    Hey Nettienoo! Oh I’m such a sucker for lists and tables and stuff like that as well… I love routines, like weighing days, workout schedules and all that kind of stuff.

    I think fasting will work for you as well as it does for me then! Back when I was eating 3-6 meals a day I’d be counting every calorie and was always hungry and deciding when to eat what… Waay too much thinking. And the weight I did lose I gained right back because damn, that one pizza can’t hurt, right?
    Well, on intermittent fasting a pizza is still not the best of foods, but you can eat one every once in a while!

    Haha and yeah, bring it on!

    I too have lost and gain weight all my life. I have found when I diet that I need to know exactly what to eat and how often. And I don’t want alot of choices – makes it to difficult to focus. This is why I think this diet would be great for me.

    I am now finding that on my non fast days, I am not so hungry. It has been 3 weeks since I started. I still have to focus on if I am really hungry like when my stomach is growling versus eatting cause I am bored. I also ask myself how long did I just ate. An hour or two ago probably means I am not really hungry. And surprisingly, I actually want good healthy food instead of junk. Why waste the calories.

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