Just starting out

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  wiltldnrUSA 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi, started the 5:2 diet after a recommendation from a neighbour who is also a GP.
    Have purchased the book and am reading my way through it and it makes interesting reading.
    I’ve completed my 2nd fast and so far so good, considering I’m a ‘stay at home Mom’ so still have to prepare meals for the family during the day while not eating myself. I’m sure there are plenty who can relate to that too.
    I’ve done every diet out there with short term success, but never could keep up long term, as I always obsessed about the foods I couldn’t have to the point of being miserable.
    I hope, that as I can more or less eat normally for 5 days,I won’t fixate on food and therefore will just ‘choose’ to eat well rather than be forced to.
    Looking forward to feeling & looking healthier 🙂


    u may call me usa
    i know it has been more than 4 months
    this forum is growing superfast

    how r u doing in this fdl (fastday lifestyle)?

    especially cooking 4 others

    would u like 2 have the forums link on fdl video
    it is was made the dr write a book?

    ur not alone concerning yoyoing

    however, this does work

    i’m sure u feel & look healthier

    happy nonfastdays & fastdays

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