just starting

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Sams 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi I am excited to be here, I did HCG before and lost 20 pounds but tried to do another round t lose the last 14 and just can’t do it… the shots, only 500 everyday… urg… so when I saw this plan it sounds like just what I was looking for… I am hoping to beable to eat well on the regular days… anyways, looking forward to losing those last 14 pounds!

    Hello aesherwood-I also lost on hcg, 26 lb on a 40 day round, and regained 10, tried another round ( 500 calories a day,
    EVERY day, for those of you not familiar with hcg), and I also couldn’t stick to it. It was useful to lose that weight, but
    set up a lot of cravings. Luckily I saw the Michael Moseley show and began 5:2 which I love, even though I’ve just been
    maintaining my weight around 140 lb, and would like to get close to 130. I started 4:3 and have begun to lose again,
    so will continue as long as needed, then probably 5;2 for maintenance and health.
    I enjoy a great feeling of well being on fast days, paradoxically while feeling somewhat hungry all day.
    Good luck, I’m sure you’ll reach your goal!!

    Wow, aesherwood, selling hcg as a means to lose weight has been a punishable offence for about ten years now in the Netherlands. Good luck with your fasting plan. I’m happy for you that you decided to stop starving yourself. If you have been doing 500 Cals a day everyday very recently, take into account that you might gain a little in the beginning, as your body might think there’s a famine going on. Just keep going, you don’t have to lose those pounds overnight do you? It’s important to enjoy your food, instead of feeling guilty over it, with unbearable cravings as a result. You’ll find you don’t need chocolate or whatever you might be craving for now, on your non-fast days.
    Keep us posted!

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