Just Started Yesterday :)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  LadyLou 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • What a brilliant approach to dieting! I am hopeful and everything I have read here is encouraging.

    Yesterday was my first “Fast Day”. Wonderful, since it cooordinated with my market day! It made shopping for healthy low calorie items much easier! I am looking at the FAST Days as “Health Days”…and planning to modify the 5:2 to an “every other day approach” until I get to my IBW (a loss of 30 pounds) During the “Health Days” I plan to not only stick to the 500 calorie fast…but to encorporate a morning and evening workout 🙂

    Looking forward to meeting everyone here!


    Hi Carla, I’ve just started as well. Just finished my second week and have lost 4 lbs (I have 30 to go as well!) Really like your idea of “health day” –just wanted to say that. Best of luck to us on our new adventures!


    Have been losing the same 25 pounds over and over and over and over…this sounds lke a healthy way to reset the system and keep it off! Good luck to you too!

    Hi, also just started on 5:2 yesterday (Sat) and found the first day relatively easy. This diet seems to make perfect sense to me as I have been good at calorie restricting diets- just NOT good at sticking to them every day LOL!!
    AS it says in the book, keeping busy seems to make a fast day fly by. I think this is going to be the trick to success although I am a bit worried how I am going to find fasting tomorrow at work when I am going to be stressed and with all the usual weekday problems!!
    Soup is something that really helped get through the fast day for me.

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