Just started ProLon FMD. Have also done 5:2 before and fasting without food

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Just started ProLon FMD. Have also done 5:2 before and fasting without food

This topic contains 12 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Sheryl.Joyce 7 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi,I’ve fasted several times over the last 4 years. I’ve done fasts without any food (just herbal tea and water for 36hrs) and also tried the 5:2 diet. It has worked for me in terms of losing weight and feeling much healthier. However I’ve had a very bad year and am dealing with the grief of losing two family members and also the long term health issues of 2 other close family members. It left me drained and not looking after myself or caring about what I ate. Vicious circle I know. Anyway I decided to get myself healthy again. To make it easier for myself I’m trying Prolon which became avialble last month in the UK. I had been keen to try it for a while so was signed up to the email list for the diet. I liked the idea of not having to think about food calories or abstaining completely. Just eating what I’m instructed each day while having the benefits of a 5 day fast seems like a good start. It is expensive though – £225 – so I’d probably not buy it again unless it has a very dramatic beneficial effect. Would be interested to hear if anyone else is also trying it or has already and how it is for them. I’ll be back on the other types of fast after Prolon.

    Vi80, that sounds like a lot of money for a few packaged meals and some supplements. How long does it last, for a few months? And then you’d have to pay to do it again or you’ll regain all the weight you lost. If you can’t think about food calories now, when you’ve finished all the little packets of food and supplements, it won’t be any easier.

    The 5:2 way of eating works for me because it’s a lifetime thing and allows for holidays, travel and get togethers with friends. I choose the food. I’ve been on diets off and on for most of my life. Most of them work because calories are restricted. But they aren’t sustainable. I just gained back whatever I lost after the diet was over. 5:2 is flexible and doable. And it doesn’t cost me anything.

    Its supposedly based on the work of Valter Longo who has developed a fasting mimicking diet. Whether it is actually connected with Valter I have no idea. As far as I can tell its a very low carb low protein (high fat) diet that eventually puts you into ketosis (running on fat rather than glucose). Seems damn expensive for something that you could do for free. If your diet is crap for the other 25 days of the month I suspect you will struggle. There is no magical bullet. You want results? Eat healthy all the time. Watch Valter Longo on youtube. Type in ketogenic diet as well to give you an idea of what is involved. Is it 225 pound per month? Ouch.

    I find that with water fasting I’m in ketosis by the 3rd day, maybe even later the second day. Once one is in ketosis that fasting becomes pretty easy. I have had rougher days past that, but I was pushing working out hard too which really puts a lot of additional stress on the body. If you just kept to cardio type workout the fasting would probably be better.

    One of the main reasons I like fasting is because it is basically free. I’m willing to suffer a few hours of slight discomfort in order to save money. But that is just me.

    Just emailed a dietician I know who knows Valter. I asked him about Prolon and whether Valter was associated with it. He was surprised highly doubted it. So I suspect that it is a group of people cashing in on Valters work. Funny how people can now make money from other people by getting them not to eat. Crazy. Hope it works for you. If not you know another method that will work.

    Thanks all for you advice and thoughts on this. ProLon was developed by Professor Valter Longo and his team as despite the clear benefits of long fasts (3 days + ) most people find it very hard to do. Professor Longo does not benefit financially from ProLon as the profits go into Create Cures which is his nonprofit organisation. Yes it is expensive but as I’m doing this for health reasons to kick start a healthier way of living and eating so I don’t mind. It’s a one off purchase for me and after this I will be attempting 3+ day fasts in future without it. Link here for anyone interested in reading his short interview about it. https://bluezones.com/2016/04/fasting-for-longevity/

    Vi80 – People find longer fasts hard because they haven’t been fasting. If you start doing frequent shorter fasts you soon can do longer and longer fasts. I actually believe most people would find fasting not that hard if they just got over their fear of trying it.

    Hunger often isn’t real and from experience I now that when I’m fasting hunger pretty much shuts down. Sometimes I will feel a hunger wave but it soon passes. One just has to learn to ride it out.

    Frankly I’m not so sure being in ketosis while eating is such a good thing. Basically the diet has to be mostly fats. While we know some fats aren’t as bad as we used to think, it still doesn’t mean there isn’t any harmful effects. This is just my personal view but being in ketosis while eating doesn’t seem natural to me. When you are fasting long enough and not eating, it is completely natural because it is preventing your body from starving. My view though is pretty extreme.

    Anyway the problem I have with the ProLon FMD is that is wreaks the best benefit of fasting! Water fasting is basically free! It is way cheaper than eating. However the ProLon FMD is making fasting more expensive than eating. How can that possibly be a good thing?

    Hi Vi80,

    Presumably you have now done the ProLon FMD? I’d be interested to know how it went, how you found it, levels of hunger on it, how you felt afterwards?

    BTW – for the doubters (and you are right to be sceptical because of so much bogus info on the web especially around health/nutrition!) Dr Longo is a highly respected scientist with a speciality in gerontology based at USC – University of Southern California. The revenue from the sales of ProLon and ultimately the other product his company are developing called ChemoLieve I think are being used to help fund the larger human clinical trials needed to legitimise fasting as a protocol for cancer therapy among other things. I think it’s a very clever way to do this, large scale human clinicals are wildly expensive and extremely hard to fund especially without the vase resources of big pharma who obviously have no incentive to prove that the best way to prevent and potentially, in some cases eliminate, cancer is by fasting. I do have some expertise in this as I work for a VC that raises money for new medical technology businesses.

    And while the benefits of fasting in the healthy are already well known amongst those who have use it regularly and find it easy, the majority of people find the very idea abhorrent and won’t even try it (the members of this forum obviously excepted!)

    Personally I find 5-2 quite difficult and struggle with headaches and cold extremities. For me, a shorter more intense fast may be better but I’m interested to try the ProLon as I understand that, due to having sufficient and carefully balanced daily ‘meals’ which by all accounts are also pretty tasty, many people find it easier. And for me, that would be worth exploring as an occasional thing. Cheaper than a spa anyway 😉

    Vi80: I am so sorry to hear about your losses, and that you’re going through a rough patch.

    I myself am not interested in Prolon. Yes, I know that Dr. Longo is an acknowledged fasting researcher, and that he said he is giving all the proceeds to charity..but until he is way more transparent about where that money is actually going, I wouldn’t even consider it. And frankly, his 5 day thing doesn’t even appeal to me. I need an ongoing lifestyle, and 5:2 gives me that.

    I like 5:2 using the updated 800 calories on 5:2. Like A lot of other people, it’s working for me.

    Hi everyone, the ProLon was very easy until the third day. I felt no hunger at all just had the occasional craving for coffee. However on the third day I became horribly nauseaus (not from any hunger) for a couple of hours until I was violently sick. Just my luck! I stopped taking Prolon that evening and spend the 4th day having no food at all because I wasn’t hungry. On the fifth day I decided not to continue with Prolon. I don’t know why I was so sick and Prolon said it hadn’t happened to anyone else doing it. I suspect I mixed up their propiertory drink incorrectly as it goes by weight and that might have set me off with the nausea but I don’t know as I only took a mouthful of it. I hated the taste. Some people like the taste of the soups and snacks but I went from ‘this is ok’ to ‘I can’t stand it’ by the third day! In conclusion I’d say if Prolon is something you can afford to try and you find fasting difficult give it a go as you might be one of the people who find the taste of it ok. I’d be really interested to hear if anyone tries it and has the same experience I had though!

    Hi Sheryl,
    thank you for your kind comments. They are appreciated. It has been tough but I’m looking after my health again now.

    I did the 5:2 a few years ago when it was just 500 calories for women. I didn’t enjoy it although I did it for several months and it worked. 800 calories sounds so much easier and great if it’s working for people. I’ll definitely give it a go again.

    Hi Vi:

    Sounds like you had a bout of the ‘keto flu’. Here is one explanation:

    “Many people (not everyone!) who start a low carb diet experience what’s called the “keto flu” or the “induction flu” in the first few days while the body is adapting to burning ketones instead of glucose. The basic symptoms are: headaches. nausea. upset stomach. Lack of mental clarity (brain fog). sleepiness. fatigue.”

    Basically, many are addicted to carbs and when they are cut from the diet the person experiences withdrawal symptoms. The diet food for ProLon mimics fasting, so the body goes into ketosis. This normally happens for most people on days 3 or 4 during a water fast.

    So, not the diet per se, just a normal response for some people when they convert to ketosis.

    Vi80, best of luck with the 800 calories. I can’t believe the difference an extra 300 calories can make.

    I am not near my desktop computer, but later on I’ll link the interview Dr. Mosley gave about updated 5:2. I also read he’ll be updating the Fast Diet book.

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