Just joined today.

This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  fasting_me 5 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I am in Perth Australia. I have put on a lot of weight over the last few month. nothing fits anymore & energy levels are slower. I joined today as in the last few weeks i have spoken to about 5 people who have notably lost weight. When i ask how they’ve all said on the 5.2. I would like to lose about 15kgs +. I look forward to talking to everyone on here i think forums are great for helping to keep each other focused.

    Does the fasting days have to be alternate ? Can i do my fasting on Monday’s and Thursday’s. ? These day are most convenient for me.

    Hi Nan,

    Welcome and Cheers!

    As far as I remember it is actually recommended to do Mondays & Thursdays, but really any two days can work. Even two days next to each other (I find this very challenging but if you had to squeeze them into a particular week that way it would be find, and two days next to each other might even work better for some folks)

    *I was trying to search for the topic you asked about but I can not seem to find a search function in this forum*

    Hi Nanp2019, fairly new myself but finding lots of support and advice in these forums. Welcome! I don’t believe it matters what days you choose, as long as you’re patient and stick with it. Best of luck, Brambleberry.

    Hi Nanp2019 – I found this FAQ – the fourth question down answers your question… and many more may be answered here. So glad you found us!


    Thank you Rabbette & Brambleberry for the info. Well today is my 1st fast day. I have soup ready and a few things lined up to keep me busy. hmmmmmmmm !!!!!!

    Fasting today as well. Well done on completing your first FD. I count each fd as a half lb weight loss. Good motivation to see it through. Enjoy the soup!

    I also joined today…from Iowa, USA. I have tried every diet out there and lose and then regain the same 40#. So excited for this community, this meal plan and the prospect of losing the weight with this sensible eating plan and then maintaining my goal weight permanently!

    Brambeberry – great idea on the reminder of each FD being half pound of weight loss. Makes me smile.

    Glad you have all found each other and this forum. Good luck with the Fasting journey.

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