Just getting started.

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  • Hi All! I am just getting started on the fast diet and I would love to hear any tips from all of you! Looking forward to getting to know you and hoping to lose 40-50 pounds!

    I just started today too, really hoping to stick to this one…craved cake but managed to ignore the cake in the fridge all day – soo proud of myself

    New starter too. Felt a bit wobbly in the afternoon:this passed after drinking matcha green tea. Good luck everyone!

    Hi twin,

    Try and avoid sugar and simple carbs like bread, pasta, rice, potatoes. Avoid cakes, chocolate, biscuits, ice cream etc. Avoid sugar drinks including diet drinks. Don’t be scared of fats. Eat cheese, low sugar high fat yogurt, avocados, almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts. Get your carbs from veggies. Have fruit in moderation and go for your berry type fruits. Never have dried fruits or fruit juice. Drink lots of water.

    Hi fruity and welcome:

    Here are some tips. Hope they help: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Good Luck!

    Hello everyone!

    I started 5:2 last Tuesday and have had an excellent week. I have 30 kg to lose. I haven’t weighed myself yet as I am deciding whether to do that weekly or fortnightly, but I ‘feel’ thinner somehow.

    I don’t eat anything on fast days, just go dinner to dinner – 24 hrs.I don’t feel hungry, but often I feel ’empty’. I know this is related to my insulin levels.

    My energy has improved considerably and I am up to all sorts of chores around the place.

    I keep track on my non-fast days with the Ultimate Value Diary (http://www.ultimatevaluediary.com/) which uses the WW points system, but I haven’t yet used my allotted points for one day, as I just don’t seem to get hungry!

    I did a lot of research around dieting before I chose the 5:2. I found some terrific links and information here on this site too. A couple of times this week I’ve used the 16:8 approach for the non-fast days.
    This https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/ was a great link to start with.

    I can see why this is a WOL eating plan, and not a ‘diet’. I’m not hurting my body by fasting, and cutting calories quite significantly because I don’t feel like eating will not trigger some starvation mode. And I know it’s only been a week but my body feels relieved somehow. Just healthful food when I’m hungry (instead of a packet of biscuits!). I’m looking forward to the veggies!!

    I’ve read so many posts here that are so encouraging. What a great community!
    Thanks for sharing. I hope to keep you updated!

    Cheers, Eljai

    Hi all, so nice to meet you. I had great success on my 2 fast days! I actually list 2.5 pounds this week. I have about 40pounds to go. I had lost 13 pounds on the Keto plan but it’s hard to keep up with it when you are feeding your family. This plan might just do the trick,miso excited! Thanks for the support!

    Hi Elaine and Twinmom,

    Could you describe the 16:8 and Keto diets – what do they involve?
    My first real fast day was a pleasant surprise. Summer salads are great, am sure soups in winter will help too.

    Thanks, Moominmamma93

    Hi the Keto diet is much like Atkins. It’s high fat, moderate protein, and low carb. It works but I found it hard to maintain while trying to feed my family as well. I’m hoping the Fast Diet will be. A little easier to incorporate in my family life.

    Hello I am also new started today except forgot to measure and calculate calories in milk for my endless cups of tea. (2-4) any Brit know an alternative for milk for tea thank you

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