Just Finished My First Fast…

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Nika 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Well, after a few delays, I had my first fast day yesterday. Breakfast was fine. At work there was a lunch brought in by a group presenting to the staff. With cookies. I got home late and there was the remains of my sister’s birthday cake staring at me.

    I came SOOOOO close to giving in at times. BUT – I took four cookies and set them aside to have today, and saved some of the veggie tray for supper along with a couple of small half-sandwiches they brought. A piece of the cake finished breakfast this morning – not the healthiest I know.

    The point is this: I made it! Somehow I made it! Any this morning I don’t feel “starved.” I actually feel pretty good.

    You are doing great Nova!
    Just keep at it.
    It gets easier and you even develop a good sense of humour about it when you are challenged by great platters of amazing food at work.
    Happened to me last week. I was forced to sit at the table with five platters of cream filled scones and gourmet treats that once I would have scoffed down. This time I sat sipping my black tea and just stared and stared. Eventually they became little nasty grenades trying to ruin my goals for a healthier me!
    I had not a one!
    Next day of course was eating day. And I did! 🙂

    Hey Nova! Well a lot of people find the first few fasts difficult and to hear you did so well ignoring all those temptations on your very first one bodes very well for your future with this program!

    And the great thing is like you said, taking the cookies home to have them the next day! Great job!

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