Just ending the first phase…on to the next!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  jeanmh 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Today is my last day of a 4 day complete fast. No food, just water, 1 cup of tea and/or 1 cup of coffee for 4 consecutive days to kick off my 5:2 program. So far I’ve dropped 5 pounds (based on avg probably down 7 tomorrow.) I think it would be much easier to abstain completely on the 2 fast days or at least no food on the new moon and full moon like the monks do. 🙂

    Since Thursday is the 4th of July celebration in the States I will do a 5:2 fast on Friday. Then Monday is the new moon so I’ll do a complete fast then.

    Time will tell if this strategy works. Wish me luck!

    Just had the most delicious salad to break the fast. I am anxious to see how my body responds to having food again and to the modified 5:2 plan I have in store. Happy 4th everyone!

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