January 1. It's a New Year. How many new people are there today?

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January 1. It's a New Year. How many new people are there today?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  sher_joy 8 years ago.

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  • Just wondering how many are initiating New Year’s Resolutions? Say “hi” so we can say “welcome” and “well done!”. We can also answer questions and provide encouragement.

    This approach is so do-able and effective. I bet you’re going to be so glad!

    Hi! I made the decision to try this new way of eating a few weeks ago but had a house move planned just before Christmas (22nd!), so this wasn’t the ideal time to start for me. I’m starting tomorrow.

    I’ve got the fast diet book and am halfway through it and can honestly say that it’s opened my eyes! My hubby is also starting this too. We’ve both put weight on over the past year or so and for me (aged 47), I’m finding it increasingly difficult to lose the weight despite doing circuit training at least 3 times a week.

    Any advice on what to eat on fasting days would be a huge help as I’d hate to inadvertently eat more than my 500 calories.

    Also knowing what food is low GI would be helpful too. I’m hoping to lose 1lb a week if possible xx

    Just joined today,have been messing with this diet for about 8 weeks now and have kept my weight stable even over Christmas.l am going for it now as I want to lose 7 pounds.want to feel more comfy in my clothes.seems quite an easy diet to stick to so here goes,any tips are most welcome.

    Good luck Newnan2, let me know how you go on. I will be posting my updates too xx

    Welcome, you guys! I’m sure you’ll master intermittent fasting and be very glad that you introduced it into your lives.

    LOTS of challenge and stress for you, Ezzerooney! You’ll probably be glad for a return to a more low key “normal”. But I’m sure IF will fit right into that. The more you do it, the more it becomes part of the pattern of your life and the more it supports you and improves the way you feel as well as look.

    I guess you’ve already seen that, Newnan2. And how wonderful that it got you through the excitement and excesses of Christmas without a gain!

    What to do with your 500 calories? That’s really up to you. This plan is incredibly flexible on the one hand and on the other to make it sustainable I think we all have to tailor it to our own needs to a large extent. I’d avoid the starchy carbs. Not sure how much Dr. Mosley has to say about them in the book but most of us eventually get to the point where we realize they work against us. Get the protein you need and fill your meals out with lots of non-starchy veggies.

    I don’t like calorie counting myself and I’m not a person who’s good at limiting myself so my particular approach is to fast when I fast.

    Glad you found this forum. There are so many interesting topics and people facing all kinds of individual circumstances. And there are English-speaking people from all over the world here too. You’ll love it!

    Hello everyone,thanks for your support.I have been slimming most of my adult life as I am slightly chubby,a diet of some kind is good for me as i can quickly over do the calories.
    Christmas was yummy all that lovely special food around,left over mince pies are now in the freezer,4 days of eating was great but back on the diet again and my body feels happy again.
    My mantra is less food more clothes or maybe shoes,what do you say ladies.x

    Well, I’m three days late into the New Year, but I’m starting my first fast of the year tomorrow. Better late than never. I haven’t done 5:2 in a few years, but yes, it works…if you do it…AND stick with it (unlike me!)

    Happy New Year everyone.

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