I've come back

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  fasting_me 6 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Was doing Slimming World for a while, but there is only so much crust less fat free cottage cheese flan I can stomach . Retired from the health service , which has lowered my cortisol levels, and back on HRT which has had a positive effect on my muffin top, ( I know my body !) Volunteer counsellor one day a week with back to back clients, so no time to eat . Aldi do some very good frozen meals well under 500 calories so quite easy to cope. Just want to get rid of belly fat so I look super smart at my daughter’s wedding in July . I have found that I am not that interested in food any more, so being able to eat what I do enjoy is a real treat . If I can maintain a trim size 14 , with a 34 G bosom ( yeah I know ) at 5’5″ I think that should be doable. Had a full blood count recently as my super skinny younger brother had a below knee amputation due to blood clots. Wish me luck .

    Good luck, Aunty Leslie. 5:2 is a very good Way of Life for losing weight. My husband agreed to start it 5+ years ago after several attempts at weight loss. He figured if he only had to diet 2 days a week, he could handle it. And he lost 45 pounds! We’re still Fasting twice a week and enjoying the results.

    If you want some recipes for home-cooked Fast meals, let me know. I’ve gotten into menu development and can’t seem to stop!

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