It works

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  piper 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi 50 yr old aussie who loves the party and food. Youngest child concerned about diabetes asked me to get a blood test.Found most things wrong in February this year Glucose Cholesterol in grey areas. Good old google came to the rescue to find out how to lower glucose levels without exercise discovered 5 and 2 thought what the hell 16kg later feel fantastic less sweating new blood test now no grey area. I have been rcommending to everyone mates are pub now call fasting days my skinny days a couple have started doing the same. I am going to continue as a life style choice thanks Michael

    Congratulations, what a lovely weight loss

    Well Done

    Well done and congratulations on losing 16kg!

    Thank your youngest child for me, will you?

    Great job! and to the kid, too!

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