It does work!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Eluminadia 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • I started this way of life on 15th January this year.
    My diary entry said “Today is the first day. I am low in energy – I feel tired all the time. I look fat. Even my “lady parts” have got fat. I have an overhanging pouch of a tummy that is getting sweaty in the folds. I feel gross.” I was 76kg with zero energy, I did no exercise, my libido was at an all time low. I just felt “tired”.

    I have just hit my half-way goal of 70kg. My clothes fit, my energy levels are way up there (I actually took the bike to the store to buy dinner yesterday rather than the car and it was fast day!) There have been hiccups (2 lovely weekends away with little or no calorie control) but that first fast day when I get back has not yet failed to re-energise me and remind me of why I started this.

    I have another 6kg to go but now my goal has changed. It is not all abut the weight but now it is about finding a life-long eating pattern and fitness regime that I can stick with. I think for me fasting is here to stay.

    Hope this works as well for any of you new to the 5:2 life – I am off to do Day 1 of Weeek 2 of the couch to 5k program 🙂

    Hi Cath.

    Well done on your weight loss so far! It’s fantastic!

    I’m on week 2 of the diet and doing good. I’m also just starting week 5 of Couch to 5k programme. So as well as feeling healthier with this way of eating i’m actually enjoying excersice for the first time in my life. I found the first few weeks of C25K quite easy but today was my first day of week 5 and it was sooooo hard (5 mins jog, 3 mins walk etc). I think i’m going to have to repeat this week at least once to feel comfortable. I actually got the couch to 20k app so it might be slightly different. On my next day i’m supposed to jog 8, walk 5, jog 8! I don’t think I xan!!!!!! Lol. But then 5 weeks ago I never thought I’d be able to run 5 minutes lol

    I’ve still got 30kg to lose but I feel like i’m on the right track.

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