It DOES work.

This topic contains 15 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  jsbach 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • I started my first FD on 1st Oct. Yesterday was my 3rd FD. I did not find it hard to do at all and the rest of the time I ate as I would normally, in fact trying to prove a point I went out for a meal and had chocolate cake (big NO NO usually) and promised myself I would not weigh until one week. Well seven days have passed and…..omg…..and I cannot believe it…..I have LOST FOUR WHOLE POUNDS!!!! I am very obese and very old and have not lost an ounce in ten years, I did Weight Watchers in the 70’s and have on and off over the years just put on double what ever I lost and in old age it gets harder to shift, so please somebody tell me this is not just a fluke! It just was not hard enough to do to lose 4lbs in seven days! Hope at last, thanks.

    Hi Bellasmum, congratulations to a great start! This definitely isn’t a fluke, although you will not be losing 4lbs every week, but the downward trend should continue as long as you stick to your 2 days and don’t overdo the rest of the week – the occasional chocolate cake is ok πŸ™‚
    Best of luck to you and keep posting about your progress!

    Well done Bellasmum, that’s a fantastic first loss! Keep persevering – it’s great that you didn’t find it difficult on your fast days so I’d say you’re on to a winning streak there!

    Wishing you well and good luck! πŸ™‚

    Terrific loss Bellasmum, not a fluke and you can have that bit of chocolate cake! Don’t weigh more frequently than weekly and keep at it, I also lost 1.8kg the first week, and 9kg in the first 12 weeks. It will fluctuate and if you start to exercise you will put on muscle which will slow the weight loss. But you will change shape, even on weeks you don’t lose weight. I have now lost 17.2kg (from 90.8 to 73.6 over 36 weeks) and am aiming to get to 68kg for Christmas. I’m 63 and have not been at this weight since about 1970! One really good thread to follow is “HELP! All ladies of a ‘certain age’-please respond”.

    Thats great Bellasmum, I’m on week 5 and have lost just under 5kg.
    Am happy with the rate of loss, its really not a fluke.
    I am finding that I am spending more time planning my food and thinking about what I am eating, creating new foods and making old recipes healthier.
    I am going to try a no pasta lasagne for Thursday just need to work out the measures and calories. Delicious healthy tasty food.
    It really does work πŸ™‚

    thank you all for such lovely replies, great to know I am not alone. Will definitely keep going and keep posting. Nice to know you all. thanks.

    oh wow oh wow….day 14 second weigh in and lost another two whole pounds….I am so excited as I do not find this way of life….(I have to say that as it is not a diet) at all hard to do. I actually look forward to my FD’s and the day after I am so energised I have done so many jobs that I have been putting off.

    Why doesn’t the whole world know about this? I feel wonderful I am losing weight at a pace and best of all I am not finding it a chore to do nor have I become obsessive about it like all the other wonder diets I have tried.

    Thank you Dr Mosley and Mimi I think you are about to change my life!

    Greetings everyone. I’m new to this site, but my husband and I have been on the Fast Diet for 6 weeks. My husband has lost 15 pounds, but I’ve lost nothing, or I should say I lose 3 on the “fast days” and gain it back on the “normal days.” I’m so frustrated. On the normal days I’m guessing I eat 1700 calories. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for your help.

    have you really lost nothing overall? I only weigh once a week. I stick to less that 600 calories on FD’s but really do eat what I would normally eat on other days, I do not count calories on nonFD’s I just carry on as normal I don’t even think about what I eat.

    I am so sorry for you if it does not work for you, maybe somebody here will know what to do, all I can say is, keep trying and good luck.

    Thanks Bellasmum. I really have lost nothing. I know it works because my husband is losing weight. I just want to know what I am doing wrong. Is there a calorie limit on normal days? I can’t eat wheat products, so I don’t eat bread, cookies, etc. Thanks for any ideas, and thanks for your encouragement.

    Hi Jsbach,

    It’s so disappointing, maybe you are eating a little too much on a non fast day.

    Have you looked at the calorie counter TDEE/BMR/BMI it’s on the right hand side of this page at the top. It gives you a personal idea what you should be aiming for.

    The other thing we swim twice a week for 50 mins, and try a couple of 30 mins walks as well. We can’t walk very good due to health problems but we give it a try. I do think a bit of excerise helps.

    Good luck, keep trying.

    I’m having a similar reaction as well. I’ve been following 5:2 for six weeks & have lost 3 lbs. However, I gained 6 lbs over the summer & normally those 6 lbs would’ve come off fairly easily. It’s taken me 6 weeks to lose just 3 lbs…frustrating. (I only have 11 pounds more to lose before I’m at my goal weight. I’m assuming this could be an issue.)

    However… body is changing. I’ve been getting lots of compliments & my husband notices it as well. So today I measured. I’ve lost almost 1.5 inches off my hips!!! That’s my big trouble area. I just measured a little over a week ago so I’m thrilled with that!!

    Have you measured? Are you losing inches?? Just a thought! Good luck!!

    Thanks for the advice everyone. I looked at the TDEE/BMR/BM at the side of this site, and found out I’m supposed to have 1896 calories on normal days? I can’t imagine eating that much. Is this correct? Mommabear, wonderful that you are losing inches and that you are so close to your goal. How does exercise factor into the success of this plan? Again thanks to everyone across the pond and at home.

    Hi jsbach, this is a great question. I am a newbie an also had this concern. Since I am trying to lose weight and not maintain my current weight, I am of course exercising more and lowered my daily caloric intake. The section where you did the calculations for TDEE/BMR/BM titled “How many calories on a non-fast day?
    (A TDEE / BMR / BMI calculator)” explains that the TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)is the number of calories you need daily to maintain your current weight and is about the amount you should eat on the days you’re not fasting. It depends on how active you are. Regular exercise burns up calories and is good for you. It also explains that people have a tendency to overestimate the exercise they do, so if in doubt, choose the lower activity level.

    Like you, I could not imagine eating the amount of calories it shows as my TDEE, so I lowered it to what’s healthy for my weight for weight loss and daily exercise.

    Hope this helps and Best of Luck! πŸ™‚

    Well, I do exercise at least 5 days a week. On Tuesdays & Thursdays I do HIIT (high intensity interval training) and M, W, F I just started doing barre. But before barre I did cardio & lifted weights those days. I also play tennis and play at least 2 times a week. I share all of this because while I love to workout, I can’t seem to lose these last 11 pounds. (My kids are cute so I’ll try not to be too upset about those pounds. Ha!!!) And quite frankly, I may decide to lose more than that but I want to hit that initial goal weight & see how I look/feel & go from there.

    I really suggest you measure. That was recommended to me from a sweet lady on these boards & she was so right. While the pounds aren’t coming off quickly, the inches are beginning to melt away. And that’s all I really care about!

    I haven’t been counting calories on my non-fast days, but I need to! I’m sure that will help. Try on some old clothes & see if they fit better. Good luck to you!!!!

    I’m back. The real truth is that I can’t have my cake and eat it too. My husband, on the other hand, is doing great. He’s lost 15 pounds, and he can eat his usual favorites on non fast days. I have decided to cut sugar out of my diet and to limit meat in addition to “fasting” two days a week. Finally after one week, I’ve lost one pound. And I’ve ramped up my walking. I have to get serious about this because my cholesterol levels are not good. It’s been a long road to be able to get to this point, so emotionally I think I’m ready.

    Thanks for all your notes of advice and encouragement.


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