It all starts tomorrow..

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Savlich 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • So Ive been trying to keep myself fit and lose some weight (10kg) over the last 12 months but Ive been really hit and miss.
    Id start something, see next to no results then lose interest. month later the cycle starts again and so on.
    Then i heard about the fast diet, listened to the audiobook and decided to give it a go.
    My plan is to fast Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, and exercise from Monday to Friday after work.
    I figure if it gets harder than i expect i can always drop the Sunday for a few weeks.
    My diet is my big problem though, i eat way too much junk and not enough fruit or veg. That will be the hardest part for me.
    So I hope i can be like the rest of you and not only stick with this but change my life in the process.

    Hi Savlich,

    I have been on this diet for about 6 weeks and love it. A few years back I went on a diet similar to the South Beach Diet and from that got 2 benefits:

    ~ I found how to have discipline to stick to a diet for 2 weeks.
    ~ I learned how to not eat refined carbohydrates — sugars and flours so that I could control my food cravings.

    I say this because it really helps to have a routine of will power. This diet seems so easy to stay on because whatever you’re missing you can tell yourself you can eat it tomorrow.

    I worry about your plan because you are thinking to do this 3 days a week. Tuesday to Thursday does not seem like a long enough break, so I worry it will be hard for you to stick to it.

    I have been doing every 3rd day approximately on a rotating basis. Sometimes I go 4 days till I fast.

    The best part is I can eat whatever I want on the off days. Like a 2nd helping of chocolate cake. But still I tend to eat fairly healthy with plenty of fresh vegetables.

    Good luck to you!

    Cynthia in Kauai

    Hi Cynthia,

    Thank you for your msg 🙂

    The first day was not too bad, i felt good, kept busy at work.
    My wife cooked me something i would never usually eat and it was amazing. The flavor was great. Not sure if it was because i was hungry but i couldn’t tell it was only 250 calories.

    My second day is tomorrow but im not worried about only having one day in between. even after only one day i really think this it the diet for me.

    Good luck to you!

    Hi Savlich, good luck! I personally find that fasting Monday and Thursday works best for me, but everyone is different, and its about finding what works best for you 🙂 Have a great day!

    Thank Dragon Fly,
    Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays seem to be working well so far 🙂 but its only early lol.
    Good luck to you 🙂

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