Is one day still sufficient to reap biochemical rewards?

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Is one day still sufficient to reap biochemical rewards?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  diverdog 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    I started doing two days IM fasting a few months ago and reached my ideal weight fairly quickly as I did not need to lose much. I no longer wish to lose any more weight. Is one day enough to reap the biochemical rewards?

    With thanks

    If the one day fast is a real fast, i.e. zero calories then yes.

    @lollyk – I think it depends on what rewards you are talking about. There are many elements of fasting that don’t even start going into effect until you are around 20+ hours into the fast.

    Still short fasts repeated many times are definitely effective for many things:
    * Burning fat
    * Building muscle with hard exercise (Better hormone levels)
    * Learning how to control yourself
    * etc

    Valter Longo’s research shows that to get the full immune system benefits you need a 5 day fast with 0 protein intake and minimal calorie intake from fats and carbs < 600 per day. For a water fast I believe it is at least 4 days.

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