
This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  MountainMyst 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi. I am new to this site and new to this diet. I am here purely through the inspiration of one of my best friends who has lost an incredible amount of weight since April! She has done so well, and it is all through following this diet. Every time I see her she looks better and better!!! I have known her for nearly 20 years, and I can honestly say now she doesn’t look as if she has aged a day in those 20 years!!! Thank you Johanna.. you are an inspiration to me.. and now I am starting my journey I hope I look as good as you in 7 months!!!! Luv ya xxxx

    Hi Annazbananaz, Welcome!! I’m sure you are going to do great, and be giving Johanna a run for her money. good luck on your journey.

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