Initial weight loss but not losing now

This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  cuppajoe 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I’ve lost 14lbs since January doing the amazing Fast Diet. My husband and I love it; it’s great to feel in control and to know that it’s having a positive impact on your health too.

    But, I haven’t lost any weight for over 4 weeks despite following the 5:2 to the letter. I eat below 500 calories on the ‘2’ days (generally between 300-400) and I don’t go crazy on ‘5’ days. What am I doing wrong? Has anyone else found that their weight-loss flat-lined?

    calorie count for the other 5 days for a week to see what you are actually consuming in calories(don’t forget the alcohol!) and take more exercise-get a pedometer and see how much you are actually walking. Goal is 10,000 each and every day and most of us do 3/4000.

    Hi Michael, fellow “IF-ers”

    I have just joined this site as the next stage in starting the IF way of life. I am reluctant to rush in to this, like other failed diets, so am taking it slowly, reading around the subject, and will start at a future date.

    Is it necessary to get ones’ bloods done? I’m in the UK and not sure how my GP would take to me requesting the bloods?!

    Welcome, Belfastbelle – Wise move, I would say, to study first and then start applying the fasting approach if and when it feels right for you. My guess is that GPs only do blood tests if there is a suspicion of underlying health problems that need further investigation (although some practices and some big chemists do run general health-screening programmes for things like diabetes, etc, so you might want to check out that possibility). If you are healthy, such tests are not necessary – they just provide interesting markers at the start of a new regime like the 5:2 Diet, to enable one to monitor any subsequent changes/benefits later on. Maybe, for the same reason, a simple blood-pressure reading would be good to have at this stage? Most Practice Nurses can easily check this for you, I believe. Best wishes with it all.

    Hi Michael and fellow healthy body seekers.

    I have been doing the diet for a few months but weight loss has been very slow. I think I do enjoy food too much on my non fast days.
    I now realise I need to do more fast days which is a bit depressing, or maybe eat less on the days off. I think reading the book I just saw that I did not need to worry about counting cals on the free days.

    On a positive note, I love the control of food on the fast days, I love that I can eat virtually nothing- so I feel safe from food harm.
    I am now going to try and introduce restraint on my non fast days.
    Although my weight loss is not so good, I do feel sleeker and fit into my size 10 jeans better. But, I still have my apple tummy which is not good for health..

    The battle continues !! 🙂

    Hi Belfastbelle- I am a practice nurse in a large GP practice. if you are over 40 you should be able to request an”NHSHealthcheck” at your surgery.This would usually be with the nurse or healthcare assistant and should consist of at least:- weight/BMI/ blood pressure/ and bloods for blood sugar/lipidprofile/kidney and liver function tests. Some surgeries may offer “well woman/man checks” with similar services. One of our targets is to pickup diabetes and coronary heart disease so you should be able to get these.

    if you are under 40 you may have to push a bit more to get them- saying you have a family history of high cholesterol may work!

    I have been reading the forum for some time but this is my first post. I particularly enjoy Jeanius’s contributions which seem so sensible and accurate.

    I wasn’t very overweight but had an annoying half stone I wanted to shift..I have now lost 8 pounds in 8 weeks and am my lowest weight for 25 years..and feel great!

    Many thanks, sara-gee, for the full facts and the compliment. It’s really good to have another medical professional on-board, in addition to Michael M. and GP Clare – and I’m so glad (/relieved) to know my best guess was near enough the mark. Also, well done, you, for shifting 8lbs in 8 weeks. You deserve to feel great and celebrate your achievement. With all best wishes to you.

    AKA, unless I’m missing something…I don’t think anyone answered you!

    You are probably in a plateau, which is fairly common no matter what diet you follow. Personally, I will never count calories except on my two fast days, but you have to do what you feel is best.

    If I plateau down the line, I will just take an honest look at my eating and try to minimize the junk while not overeating on other food. Not sure what you’re eating, but you might to assess your food intake on your “feed” days. Good luck!

    P.S. If you’re pretty close to your goal weight, I’ve heard weight loss slows/stops as you’re closer to goal. Congrats on losing 14 lbs.!

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