In it for the long haul!

This topic contains 28 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Lori_PA 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone. Very excited about starting this as it just makes sense to me. I’d also like to make some friends while I’m here, and both give and receive support.

    I am the mother of a grown-up daughter, a vegetarian, fanatical about animals and their welfare, and have two jobs which keep me occupied pretty much 24-7. I am having a big lifestyle change in April so psyching myself up for that! Oh, and I’m an ex-nurse so interested (and sometimes useful!) on matters medical.

    Anyway, hello 🙂

    Hello Blaise

    Welome to the fast diet forum

    Well done for taking the fast diet plunge! (I’m already intrigued about your major life style change but I’ll leave you to tell us about that if you wish to!)

    Thanks for the welcome 🙂 I’ve ordered the book from Amazon, plus a cookbook for the fast days which is full of vegetarian meals for one.

    Hey Blaise, welcome 🙂 I’m also really curious about that lifestyle change you’re talking about! But like Boo said, we’ll leave that up to you to tell.

    When are you going to do your first fast day? Keep us posted on how it went!

    Ooh, I like to be a woman of mystery! Okay, I’ll ‘fess up! I will be going back to living alone in April, and moving house (although staying in the same area due to work). In some ways I’m excited, but I’m also apprehensive because my financial situation will be difficult, and it will also be a struggle to fit in everything required to keep normal life ticking over, due to my work.

    As to my first fast day, I will commune with the diary later 🙂 Again due to work, my fast days will vary week by week: does that matter?

    Hi Blaise

    Well it didn’t take long to get that out of you! We didn’t even have to shine a light into your eyes!

    That sounds like a major change in circumstances both financially and emotionally.
    I suppose the good thing about starting the fast diet is; you’ll probably be losing weight and feeling healthier and generally better about yourself.

    And being a tiny bit flippant (even though your change sounds ‘serious’); eating less will help with the reduction in mazoola!

    In my opinion; your fast days varying should make no difference whatsoever.

    Good luck with getting started!

    I’m an open book, me!

    Yes, eating less will certainly help financially.

    Well, I’ve diaried all my fast days and next week, week 1, they will be on Tuesday and Wednesday. I’ve listed the calorie content of the foods I plan to eat so, off I go!

    Hi Blaise welcome – I just started here this week and it’s a very friendly place! Hope your first fasting days go well – although I would recommend at least a days break in-between fast days. I got through day 1 fine but the following day I did feel very fatigued and a bit grotty. I had to delay my 2nd day to 3 days afterwards because of that. I have been reassured though that it’s normal (toxins leaving your body and all that, and I bet mine has a ton of them haha!) and that it improves after a few fasting days and our body adjusts etc. good luck! 🙂

    Thanks for your advice Molly. I’m aiming to have a gap between the fast days but I work full-time ++, in a couple of very demanding roles, so sometimes my diary controls when I’m able to fast.

    yes you do sound like a busy lady – I really hope it goes well for you 🙂 If it’s any consolation I did my 2nd day of fasting yesterday and it was even easier than the first day – I managed to go to 2 job interviews and clean my house top to bottom! I did feel very sleepy by 10pm and went to bed, but going to bed early is something i should do more often anyway. So maybe you will find you are able to work and fast after a while anyway, making your schedule a little easier. Let us know how you get on!

    Thanks Molly; that’s helpful. I’m certainly holding back from fasting on days when I expect work to be particularly tough; perhaps I won’t need to….

    Job interviews sounds exciting. What sort of thing are you going for?

    Oh, and another general question please: I am very aware of ketones giving me unpleasant breath when I don’t eat; what does everyone else do about this? Generally I would pop a Polo – other mints are available – but they contain calories! I can’t chew gum; it makes me feel nauseous for some reason.

    Hey Blaise, unless you’re cutting all carbs I don’t think ketones are a big worry… As far as I know the body doesn’t go full fledged ketosis after like, 3 days of not eating any carbs. But, maybe I’m wrong there (you’re the nurse 😉 )
    How about brushing your teeth in the morning and afternoon? Or using some mouthwater?

    Nika- I’ve gone full ketosis well before I even knew what that was . I fully understand that spell check is going bonkers and do not care. Blaise- ,I’ve had a hard day…. but keep on moving. It will be behind you, before you know it.

    I’ve looked into ketosis a bit and it did look really promising – but after cutting carbs completely after 1,5 week I just broke down. Felt weak, dizzy and even nauseous by times. Now I just cut them on fast days.
    However, I’m no expert. How long does it take for the body to go in full ketosis?

    really, I can feel it coming on, not even trying– my daughter did not want me to go on a fast at all. that said, I’m okay. I work in a place where I see it all. boom , boom, BOOM. You don’t want to know what happens next.

    .. that post made little to no sense to me piper, sorry x) Are you talking about ketosis?

    I may have to quit posting after today.

    of course I am.

    Okay. Then explain to me where the hell you work xD And what boom boom BOOM means and what that has to do with ketosis…

    Sorry- It’s been a bad day– I work in a pharmacy. Sometimes there is a gorilla in the room and nobody notices. Ketosis is not bad in itself, but is not an end all. Eventually, it evens out. Many people are striving to survive, and I see really bad things, and I am not a doctor, and can’t give good advice, but understand, that even with the best intentions, even the docs don’t know, not because they don’t care. Sometimes they are just exhausted. Patients are, too. Work in the States, and if you are a small company and pay for it yourself -good luck.

    Don’t worry about it! And yeah that’s what I’ve been thinking, ketosis isn’t bad in itself but some people get too carried away. I’ve heard of people who don’t eat anything for 3 weeks, they just drink water, so get into maximum ketosis. I hear it’s very popular amongst bodybuilders.
    I tried it, but after 1,5 weeks I felt so bad I just tossed the diet out and ate 38 dumplings in two days. I’m quite sure that knocked me out of it… If you can’t make it to 2 weeks on a diet because you feel so bad, it’s not for me.

    Sorry, Blaise. Your situation set off alarm bells. It does get better.

    Well, I’m still here, but disappointed with the weightless: just five pounds in almost three months 🙁 It’s a fast day today but, knowing the small reward for a lot of effort, I’m struggling.

    Hmm…. no replies. My concern is that many people I’ve spoken to who are doing this say that if you weigh immediately after a fast the weight seems to have come off, but it goes back to where it was as soon as you start eating. That’s certainly my experience…. Any thoughts?

    Hi Blaise

    Sorry to hear you are struggling. I am only in my fourth week and I am only weighing myself once a month. I started on 6 January and weighed myself last Friday 31 January – result was an 8.5 lbs loss. I used to weigh myself everyday but our weight fluctuates so much it is better to weigh less often. Many people say they are not much lighter on the scales BUT they have lost inches and their clothes are much looser. Has that happened to you? With regards to the diet itself: Are you sure you are sticking to 500 on fast days? Although eating what you want on non-fast days are you still careful? Are you drinking enough water? I am not an expert by any means but maybe you could try 4:3 for a couple of weeks to see if that gives you a better loss. I am doing 4:3 for 4 weeks to see how I go. I hope it gets better for you 🙂

    Hey hang in there. I think people are setting themselves up for a fall by weighting themselves the day after a fast and expecting a massive drop. You need to make sure you weight yourself at exactly the same time of day and the day pretty much follows the same pattern as the last weigh in day.

    Also, regardless of the scales, what does the mirror or your partner tell you. I’m sure you’ll find the benefits are there. don’t give up

    I agree @beebop Simple maths will tell you that you will weigh less after a fast day than after a non fast day.

    Weighing once a week on the same day, at the same time, wearing the same clothes will show the trend which will be more accurate.


    Well, my last post on this thread was also my last fast day! However I’m back to try again, as I’m tired of being overweight.

    Hi Blaise,

    I’m fairly new around here and still trying to find my way. I’m having limited success according to the scale, but sure feel & look thinner thru the middle. I need to get the sugar monkey off my back and eat better on my non-fast days. I’ve been doing alternate day fasting, but am thinking to try 5:2 as written and see how it goes.

    I need to lose another 30-40 lbs so I’ll be around here a long time.

    Good luck to you!

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