Im soo hungry!!

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  • Hey guys,

    I really need some motivation. I started the 5:2 diet 2 days ago. My fast day was yesterday and I have been so starving today, wanting to eat a lot more than I usually would.

    Please tell me these hunger pains will subside with time because I think my husband will leave me if I stay this hangry lol

    Welcome to the forum, Boobsg. Is today a fasting day for you? If not, and if you’re hungry, have something to eat! No diet is sustainable if you’re hungry on non-fast days. If you just want to eat because you’re bored, or some other reason, well that’s a different story. Then you just need to find something else to do.

    If you eat slowly and stop when you feel satisfied, you should stay within your TDEE. Good luck to you!

    @boobag before I started 5:2 I was using always starving until I cut most of the added refined sugar out of my diet. It turns out that in general processed foods make me hungry. I find now that the healthier I eat the less hunger I have. On my non-fast days I try to eat around 10 servings of fruits and vegetables. Works for me.

    @boobag, I have had exactly the same issue. Where a fast turns into a 3-or-4-day binge.

    The trigger for me is simple carbohydrates. I will be trying to stick to proteins and slower-digesting carbs on my NFDs and see how that goes.

    It is tempting to “reward” yourself for a good fast with treat foods. This is usually my undoing.

    @boobag. It gets easier with time. You will have to use will power for about a month. It gets easier after that. Then after 6 months it gets ridiculously easy. I know this is cold comfort for you now. The production of ghrelin (hunger hormone) is produced in your stomach and pancreas and comes in waves which not surprisingly coincide with the times of the day that you eat which you have established over the years!! Its a partially learnt response! Ghrelin production goes down as your stomach shrinks when you start to eat less. When you get the hunger sensation have a big glass of water with lemon juice in it. Or a tea or coffee (NO SUGAR in it though). Then get up and go for a 10-15 minute gentle walk. This will also lower cortisol levels which is causing stress associated with not eating. The sensation will pass as ghrelin production drops.

    Leptin is produced by fat cells and if you are overweight then this signal should be pretty big!! Leptin tells your body you have a lot of stored energy so don’t panic if you don’t have a meal today. While leptin is being produced it is blocked by sugar and fructose from being received by the brain (hyper thalamus). So you need to cut out all sugary treats. Limit you intake of grain based processed foods like bread, cakes, biscuits, pizza, breakfast cereals (pure nutritional junk by the way). If its grain based don’t eat it. No fruit juice, its nutritional junk!! You want fruit eat a whole piece of fruit.

    Get your carb intake from veggies (no potatoes though) which contain a lot of fibre. Don’t be scared of fats. Eat high fat low sugar plain greek yogurt. Cheese, avocadoes are also good. eat whole fruit and go for your berry type fruits or very tart fruit like granny smith apples (crab apples).

    Don’t eat anything your grandmother wouldn’t recognise as food. If you have to open a packet to eat it, think twice about doing so. Real food doesn’t need a label on it telling you its healthy!!

    Good luck. 5:2 works if you want it to.

    The key is to experiment and find what works for you. Personally I don’t have any issues with foods like potatoes, but then again I rarely eat French fries or chips. Some people do better with very low carb diets. In general when a person is in ketosis, hunger seems to be less of an issue.

    For me it was the refined sugar driving a lot of my hunger. If I eat an ice cream bar right after lunch, I’m hungry in a couple hours. If I just skip the ice cream bar I’m probably not hungry until the next mealtime. For someone else it could be different.

    One key point though is hungry comes in waves. If you just drink water and ignore the hunger it typically goes away in less than 1/2 an hour. It get easy after you do it a few dozen times! It just isn’t fun getting to that point.

    I hate feeling hungry too, and although I’ve only done 2 FD so far, I’ve found fitting in food at my normal eating times (7am, 1pm, 8pm) works well for me. I can trick my body and brain into thinking I’m eating like a normal day, but the portions are much smaller for each meal. For “lunch”, the one meal I’m a bit more comfortable skipping, I have a 10 cal Hartley’s jelly pot and a big herbal tea, so at least I’m going through the ritual of eating at lunch time, then I have an apple mid-afternoon during the slump period at work where I’d usually grab a biscuit. I have a far smaller breakfast than usual, but I’ve had breakfast all my life and couldn’t survive without it, and my usual dinner post-gym of 2 poached eggs on a slice of Vogel. This seems to be working for me so far, but if you’re feeling peckish, grab a low cal jelly or some carrot sticks, or make a herbal tea or black coffee. I’m hoping it gets easier too as I get hangry as well, which isn’t fun for anyone around me!

    i found i was really hungry after my first fast day and still had that empty feeling till after my second meal on my non fast day, it seems to have got better on the second and i am only on my 3rd fast day today and have had a proper hungry day today but hope that with time it will be better. i am really putting my all in to it increasing my exercise and have even treated myself to a new set of scales! my first week weigh in tomorrow so fingers crossed!

    @tigster14 it is normally to feel a little hungrier after a day of fasting. You might be better off delaying your breakfast a little so your two meals are closer together. Also try eating really slowly, when I do that I find it takes less food to fill me up.

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